Large 19th century advert by Au Bon Marche using an African theme. Size 15x21cm. Corner bent. M EH
Price: $40.00
AFC 009AFC 009
Complete set of 3 series of 12 Spanish chromos each titled Aventuras de Dick en Africa Central. EH MB
Price: $360.00
AFG 081AFG 081
Rare 1920’s Italian childrens album Enciclopedia dell’Intrepido Albo Secondo Figuine dei Costumi Contemporanei dell ‘Africa. All 120 chromos are present and have descriptions. In remarkable condition. B EH AN
Price: $1200.00
AFG 081
AFG 081
AFG 081
AFG 080
AFG 080
AFG 080
AFG 080
Complete set of 22 Spanish chromo cards by chocolatier Solsona titled La Flecha Aerea, c1950. It is about a boy who builds a ship to take him to another planet where the inhabitants are African-like. EH M
Price: $290.00
AFG 079
Mexican comic book, 1971, titled El Fantistico Lago Tchad. EN ASK FOR AVAILABILITY
Price: $90.00
FA 075FA 075
Complete set of 24 Spanish confectionary cards of unknown manufacture entitled Un Viaje Al Africa. Very good condition. EH M
Price: $480.00
AFC 008AFC 008
Complete set of 24 Spanish chromo cards titled Un Capitan de Quince Anos. An African adventure story, with narrative on back. EH m
Price: $280.00
AFC 007AFC 007AFC 007
Complete set of 36 cards by Spanish company Chocolate Torras titled ‘Las Hazanas de Pedalito’ about a boys adventure in Africa. Story on back. EH M
Price: $380.00
AFC 006AFC 006AFC 006
Complete set of 36 cards by Spanish company Chocolate Amatler entitled ‘Aventuras Extraordinarias de Canete, Clorato y su fiel Pum’. Adventure covers Zanzibar, Malaysia and Siberia. Story on back. EH M
Price: $220.00
AFC 004
Complete set of 12 cards by Spanish company Chocolate Juncosa titled ‘Aventuras de Juan Sonador’ about a rich boys adventure in Africa. Story on back. EH M