World and Europe
Normally I don’t buy children’s school atlases but VOLK HEIMAT UND WELT. Atlas fur di Volksschule Berbeitet von Dr. Fritz Pfrommer (PEOPLE HOME AND WORLD. Atlas published by the head of the civil administration in Alsace/education/teaching and popular education department. Edited by Dr. Fritz Pfrommer) was unique in that it was produced toward the end of WW2 but still maintained the illusion of German victory. It preferred to show the limits of nazi expansion to the east (Grossdeutschland and Liebenstraum) on the one hand, along with the “protectorate” of Bohemia and Moravia) rather than the current situation. It also shows that the regime considered land conquests in Poland as part of Greater Germany, while conquered countries to the west and north not. The three historical maps refer only to the movement of the Vikings, The Hanseatic League and the German knightly order in the North and Baltic Sea region and the current war. 21/26 maps deal with Germany……the remaining 5 deal with the rest of the world. An interesting atlas designed to indoctrinate French children living in Alsace on the greatness of Germany, which is perhaps why the author decided not to include France and the Benelux in Greater Germany. There is an inscription on the front cover dated January 1945, apparently written in Alsacian by a student. Not a typical atlas, it shows different home types throughout Germany and different land formations.
Price: $700.00
French map titled Emplacement des Camps de Prisonniers de Guerre en Allemagne. Shows the locations of stalags (soldiers and NCO’s) and oflags (officers) for French army POW’s. The camps are ranked by size. Produced by the French Ministere des Prisonniers, Deportes et Refuges, it details the movement between camps as well.
Price: $800.00
French map titled La Guerre d’Hitler…. Fronte de Mer. Fascinating map that details Hitler’s violations of war at sea. It translates as: Germany is a signatory to a Hague Convention of October 1, 1907 prohibiting the laying of mines without notice and the use of those likely to explode after having broken their moorings. The Reich made use of drift mines and fairground magnetic mines without warning.......In respect of international law, the "Bremen" was not sunk. Germany is a signatory to the Treaty of London of August 22, 1930, sanctioned by an order from Hitler of August 28, 1939, Treaty by which the Reich undertook not to sink a commercial ship until it had ensured the safety of the passengers. and crew. The maps shows locations of coal and mineral deposits in Northern Europe as well. Interesting reference to the sinking of the “Bremen”. The nazis tried to use this a justification for maritime treaty violations. However, the ship had been set alight by a 14 year old sailor. Size: 112x87cm. SOLD
Price: $500.00
NOTE FROM WIKIPEDIA: On 26 August 1939, in anticipation of the invasion of Poland, the Kriegsmarine high command ordered all German merchant ships to head to German ports immediately. Bremen was on a westbound crossing and two days from New York when she received the order. Bremen's captain decided to continue to New York to disembark her 1,770 passengers. She left New York without passengers on 30 August 1939 and on 1 September, coincident with the start of the Second World War, she was ordered to make for the Russian port of Murmansk. Underway, her crew painted the ship grey for camouflage. She made use of bad weather and high speed to avoid Royal Navy cruisers, arriving in Murmansk on 6 September 1939. With the outbreak of the Winter War between Finland and the Soviet Union, on 10 December 1939 Bremen made a dash to Bremerhaven, arriving on 13 December. On the way she was sighted and challenged by the S-class submarine HMS Salmon. While challenging Bremen, an escorting Dornier Do 18 seaplane forced Salmon to dive for safety. After diving, Salmon's commander, Lieutenant Commander E. O. Bickford, decided not to torpedo the liner because he believed she was not a legal target. His decision not to fire on Bremen likely delayed the start of unrestricted submarine warfare. Bremen was then used as a barracks ship; there were plans to use her as a transport in Operation Sea Lion, the intended invasion of Great Britain. On 16 March 1941, Bremen was set alight by 14-year-old crew member Walter Schmidt while at her dock in Bremerhaven and completely gutted. A lengthy investigation discovered that the arson resulted from revenge stemming from a ship's officer who had punished him for not completing his assignment, not an act of war. Schmidt was later guillotined for the arson, becoming one of the youngest people to be judicially executed by the regime at age 15.
Europe 1940. Cate Editee par Le Journal. Produced shortly after the fall of Poland but before the invasions of Western Europe, it shows the territories annexed by Germany (Austria, Czechoslovakia, Memel, Danzig, Poland), annexed by Russia (Poland), territory of Wilno ceded by Russia to Lithuania and the territory ceded to Russia by Finland. Country size, population and population density shown for each country. Some fold splits easily repaired. 100x120cm.
Price: $450.00
Italian Propaganda map produced in Rome in 1941 by Visceglia. It is titled I 50 Sbarchi in Gran Bretagna (50 disembarks on Great Britain). Sponsored by a number of Italian companies on the reverse, it was used for classroom education to show how vulnerable Great Britain has been to invasion over the last 2000+ years, and it challenges the notion that Great Britain is invulneralbe. Interesting in that the masthead shows an ancient Roman soldier and a modern day German soldier. 60x80cm.
Price: $400.00
Complete set of 12 maps developed by the German General Staff Department for War maps and Surveying in 1940. Developed specifically for the invasion of France it provides in great detail the location of factories and important infrastructure and a range of other detail necessary for planning an invasion. As the set covers the area north of Burgundy it is clear that the plan of invasion developed by General Erich von Manstein was to be adopted (later known as the Sichelschnitt ("sickle cut") – it called for an attack through the woods of the Ardennes and a rapid drive to the English Channel, thus cutting off the French and Allied armies in Belgium and Flanders.) The maps are various sizes and compiled from different sources of information gathered over the previous 8 years. Some of it lifted directly from French documents. Marked FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. B
Price: $5000.00
Carta Geografica del Teatro Della Guerra nel 1866. Editori Della Biblioteca Utile, Milano, Via Durini N. 29. It shows the theatre of the Austrian-Prussian War. Size 65x79cm. Cover included. B
Price: $500.00
Note from Wikipedia: The Austro-Prussian War, also by many variant names such as Seven Weeks' War, German Civil War, Brothers War or Fraternal War, known in Germany as Deutscher Krieg ("German War"), and by a variety of other names, was fought in 1866 between the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia, with each also being aided by various allies within the German Confederation. Prussia had also allied with the Kingdom of Italy, linking this conflict to the Third Independence War of Italian unification. The Austro-Prussian War was part of the wider rivalry between Austria and Prussia, and resulted in Prussian dominance over the German states. The major result of the war was a shift in power among the German states away from Austrian and towards Prussian hegemony. It resulted in the abolition of the German Confederation and its partial replacement by the unification of all of the northern German states in the North German Confederation that excluded Austria and the other Southern German states, a Kleindeutsches Reich. The war also resulted in the Italian annexation of the Austrian province of Venetia.