Western Ephemera

t-jpc881JPC 881


3 confectionary cards by Chocolaterie D’aiguebelle on the 1894 Sino-Japonese War.

Price: $100.00

t-jpc880JPC 880


French chromo card of a Russian soldier confronting a Chinese woman.

Price: $20.00

t-jpc879JPC 879t-jpc879aJPC 879t-jpc879a1JPC 879


29 French postcards of the Russo-Japanese War.

Price: $1160.00

t-jpc878JPC 878


Set of 37 French early French chromo cards on the Russian and Japanese army, at the time of the Russo-Japanese War.

Price: $700.00

t-nav099NAV 099t-nav099aNAV 099


18 period French, Italian and Japanese postcards of the Russo-Japanese War.

Price: $1080.00

t-jpc871JPC 871


Early Japanese postcard of the Church of Nazareth. B

Price: $30.00

t-jpc869JPC 869

89-page draft manuscript titled Repertoire par ordre alphabetique & pour chaque categorie d'art des noms des atistes japonais (des origines jusqu'a la revolution de 1868) accompagne de la reproduction en caracteres japonais des signatures et cacheta d'un tres grand nombre d'artistes ainsi que d'une notice sommaire sur les oeuvres d'art et leur technique. Translates as Directory in alphabetical order & for each category of art of the names of Japanese artists (from the origins until the revolution of 1868) accompanied by the reproduction in Japanese characters of the signatures and seals of a very large number of artists as well as a brief notice on the works of art and their technique. Written in 1912 at Hanoi, French Indochina, the author, Jean L-M Dumons, signs the document as a gift to his brother. Cover separated. B

Price: $600.00

t-jpc839JPC 839


1877 French illustration of social and religious reform in Japan. Buddhist priests listening, through the paper partitions, to the council held in the pavilion of Taiko, in Kioto, between the high priests of the Sinsiu region and the French mission. B

Price: $30.00

t-jpc837JPC 837t-jpc837aJPC 836t-jpc837a1JPC 837

Collection of 7 illustrated pages from 1873-1876 of early Meiji Japan. Shown are Kyoto, various sketches, island of Takaboko, new dress, escort officers. B

Price: $150.00

t-jpc837a2JPC 836 t-jpc837a3JPC 836 t-jpc837a4JPC 836 t-jpc837a5JPC 836

t-jpc852JPC 852t-jpc852aJPC 852



Early set of German chromos on the Russo-Japanese War. M AH

Price: $250.00

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