Childrens Games

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Rare childrens game issued in Italy between 1922-1935, La Ruota dell’Italia (the Wheel of Italy), showing distances and demographics for various Italian cities and colonies in Africa and the Aegean Sea. Mint condition.

Price: $500.00

t-cg48CG 48Complete boxed game L’Oncle D’Amerique, by the Miro Company, Paris. Produced in 1946.

Price: $500.00

Note from Wikipedia: America's Uncle is a board game from Miro Company dated 1946. It is a stock market and speculation game enhanced with humorous events.

Players roll two dice which indicate which stock is in play. If that stock is available, they must buy it, otherwise a dividend is received. Before rolling the dice, a player can sell back to the bank a stock that has reached a rating that seems interesting to him. Having several shares of the same color allows you to multiply your winnings. The game is presented in a large box with a odds table that fits vertically in slots provided for it. The humorous events are presented as dispatches from a fictional newspaper, La Trompette du Soi.

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African Chess. A complete game in all respects. Created by Nigerian-born John C. Emejom. The game is an adaptation of the most popular parlour-game in West Africa known amongst the Akans of Ghana as Oware. This game has been best described by the Evening News of Ghana as the “African Personality No. 2”.

Price: $700.00

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1952 Belgian chromo album of naval ships, tanks and automobiles. Complete with all 144 chromos.

Price: $250.00

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Il Giro d’Italia di Niguardina e Scalfarotto e il Concorso Santagostino. It is a fascist period 1920’s game of the competition of two boys, Niguardina and Scalfarotto in a Santagostino competition. Rare.

Price: $400.00

t-cg43CG 43Complete set of the 1962 Mars Attacks cards, produced in the UK. Extremely rare. B

Price: $3000.00

Note from Wikipedia: Mars Attacks is a science fiction-themed trading card series released in 1962 by Topps. The cards feature artwork by science fiction artists Wally Wood and Norman Saunders. The cards form a story arc, which tells of the invasion of Earth by cruel, hideous Martians under the command of a corrupt Martian government who conceal the fact from the Martian populace that Mars is doomed to explode and, therefore, proposes colonization of Earth to turn it into their new homeworld. The cards depict futuristic battle scenes and bizarre methods of Martian attack, torture and slaughter of humans, as well as various Earth nations being attacked. The story concludes with an expeditionary force of humans volunteering to embark on a counterattack on Mars, in which the Earth force attacks the Martians in their manner (bayoneting and bullets). This necessitates the Martians that are still on Mars to defend their homeworld. The Earth attack forces, after destroying the Martian cities and killing the Martians, depart just before Mars is destroyed in the predicted cataclysm, thus ensuring the peace and safety of Earth as the Martian race is seemingly doomed to extinction.

Scholar Nathan Brownstone noted that "The Mars Attacks cards achieved their popularity at the very time when the Cuban Missile Crisis captured the headlines, the moment when Cold War came closest to become radioactively hot. That was when a brutal zero-sum game scenario - for Humanity to survive the Martians must die - established a solid niche in Americana popular culture".

The cards proved popular with children, but depictions of explicit gore and implied sexual content caused an outcry, leading the company to halt production. The cards have since become collectors' items, with certain cards commanding over $3,500 at auction.

In the 1980s, Topps began developing merchandise based on the Mars Attacks storyline, including mini-comic books and card reprints.[5] An expanded set of 100 cards called Mars Attacks Archives was issued in 1994 by Topps and spawned a second round of merchandising. Director Tim Burton released a feature film called Mars Attacks! in 1996 based on the series, spawning a third round of merchandising, including an intercompany crossover with the Image Universe, titled Mars Attacks Image and published by Image Comics. In 2012, Topps released a 50th anniversary expanded set of 75 cards called Mars Attacks Heritage, leading to a fourth round of merchandising that continued into 2017 with the release of an official sequel series, Mars Attacks: The Revenge!

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Italian childrens card game Dono de Risorgimento. It came out in 1921 for the 50th anniversary of the unification of Italy. It show Italian heroes throughout the ages.B

Price: $300.00

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Rare fascist childrens book Cuccu…. By Librini del Cuccu. B

Price: $400.00

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19th century lotto game and historical quotes. set of 14 plates (out of 16) each decorated with a colored lithograph and completed by numbered tokens with quotations. B

Price: $800.00

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Incomplete 1860 Italian card game, with questions and answers on reverse. A revealing indication of social norms at the time. 11 cards. B

Price: $200.00

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