
mp605MP 605mp605aMP 605


Complete set of 7 Italian maps of the war in Libya, issued during the war. Average size 49x64cm.

Price: $2000.00

mp605a1MP 605 mp605a2MP 605 mp605a3MP 605 mp605a4MP 605

mp610MP 610

1885 military map Massaua e Dintori. Scale 1:20,000. Size: 37x80cm. Shows indigenous “shacks” and “shacks” at camp, water wells, telegraph lines, roads and paths on both hard and sandy soil, acqueducts, various forts, good detail of Massaua. One of the earliest Italian maps of Massaua and surrounding area. Age stains.

Price: $400.00

mp609MP 609

Cara Geografica del Teatro Della Guerra in Africa e della Occupazione Italiana. By C. Ronchi, this map was a supplement to the Giornale il Secolo #6799. Shows early Italian possessions at Assab and Massaua. What is fascinating about this map is it shows the Africa coast as far south as current Somalia under the suzerainty of Egypt. Secondly, we see a diminished version of Abyssinia before Menelik was able to conquer the Horn to form present day Ethiopia. He was able to accomplish this with the guns provided by the Italians following their disaster at Adua in 1896.Size: 57x81. Scale 1:3000000.

Price: $450.00

mp608MP 608


Carta della Spedizione Militare Italiana in Africa. Done at the time of the military expeditions from 1885-1895. What is fascinating about this map is it shows the Africa coast as far south as current Somalia under the suzerainty of Egypt. Secondly, we see a diminished version of Abyssinia before Menelik was able to conquer the Horn to form present day Ethiopia. He was able to accomplish this with the guns provided by the Italians following their disaster at Adua in 1896. Insets of lower Assab, the Gulf of Zula and Chartum. Size: 46x54cm. Small mice damage in one of the folds.

Price: $450.00

mp607MP 607


Carta Dimostrativa Dell’Etiopia (Omo). C1935, published by the Ministry of War. Scale 1:1000000. Size: 38x78cm.

Price: $250.00

mp606MP 606



Carta Dimostrativa Dell’Etiopia (Harar). C1935, published by the Ministry of War. Scale 1:1000000. Size: 60x80cm.

Price: $250.00

mp602MP 602



Afrique Tableau D’Assemblage pour la carte d’ensemble. Scale 1:5000000. One of four maps covering Africa, however the other 3 maps were never published to my knowledge. C1938. Size: 100x65cm.

Price: $300.00

mp601MP 601



City of Nairobi, Map and Guide. Published by Survey of Kenya Nairobi 1972. Scale 1:20,000. Size: 61x90cm.

Price: $200.00

mp593MP 593


Mapa Militar de Marruecos. Cuerpo de Estado Mayor del Ejercito. Zona Occidental. Carta Provisional (con datos hasta febrero de 1922). Scale 1:150,000. B

Price: $400.00

mp586MP 586




Carta Storico Politica Dell ‘Africa Orientale. Unusual map sponsored by an Italian cheese manufacturer in Mezzo, Italy. It contains a wealth of information on an array of socio-economic information. 120x84cm. Repaired with acid-free tape on reverse. B

Price: $500.00

mp585MP 585



Africa. Produced in Torino, by Lit. Fr. Doyen e Cia. Shows a population of 60 million people, topo elevations shown below. A fairly accurate depiction of the coastal areas but the interior remains largely unexplored. Size 52x40cm. Poor repair on reverse. B

Price: $450.00

mp579MP 579



Carta Dimostrativa della Tripolitania, with insets of Tobruk, Homs, Triipoli and Bengazi. Size 94x120cm. Scale 1:25000. Great detail on specific buildings and ethnic make-up of Tripoli.B

Price: $490.00

mp570MP 570



Complete set of 6 maps, plus cover case, Carta Dell’Africa Orientale Italiana. Scale 1:1000000. Consociazione Turistica Italiana. B

Price: $300.00

mp569MP 569



Map of Somalia. Cart Dimostrativa Fisico-Ploitica. Inset map of Mogadishu. 70x98cm. B

Price: $300.00

t-tro071TRO 071


Sudan, (Trablusgarb Vilayeti, Tunus, Fas Hükümeti) Dersaadet, Matbaa-i Amire, 1310. “From the atlas "Yeni Coğrafya Atlası: (Çeviren: Ali Şeref Paşa - Muhiddin). İstanbul 1307 - 1310(hicri) 1309 - 1312(rumi) 1892 - 1894(miladi) Matbaa-i Âmire, Hasan Ferid, ". Size: 52x41cm. B

Price: $490.00

mp567MP 567


Agronomic map of Spanish continental Guinea. Fernando POO. Spanish Guinea. 1947. 55.5 x 34.5 cm.

Price: $280.00

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