Africa General
AFG 157French stock certificate Societe Coloniale Agricole et Miniere SCAM.
Price: $70.00
Note: Public limited company with capital of 49,500,000 francs, divided into 495,000 shares of 100 fr. Each. Statutes deposited in the study of Me Prudhomme and Me Ader, notaries in Paris. BEARER SHARES OF 100 FRANCS. Head office: Paris, 73, boulevard Haussmann. Such. : ANJ. 54-43. Incorporation: Public limited company incorporated on April 26, 1923 for a period of 99 years. Purpose: The study, purchase, sale, rental, development, administration and exploitation of all land, all research, prospecting and exploitation of mines, obtaining all concessions in Morocco, in South Oran and in all countries. Share capital: 128,137,800 fr., divided into 1,281,378 shares of 100 fr. Originally, 4,500,000 fr. Increased in 1949 to 19,500,000 fr. per issue at 120 fr. of 450,000 new shares of 100 fr. (10 to 1), then in 1950 to 71,670,000 fr. Increased in 1952 to 85,425,200 fr. by issuing 137,552 new shares of 100 fr. Increased in 1955 to 128,137,800 fr. per issue at 110 fr. of 427,126 shares of 100 fr.