European Popular Culture

Historic BattlesPCA 072t-pca072a1PCA 072

Historic Battles, by Belgian company Cox International and distributed in Canada. All 306 stickers are present, which is rare because producers usually restrict a few pieces in order to sell more packets to collectors trying desperately to complete their album. Covers 17 different battles, each spanning 2 pages. Produced in 5 different languages. Some of the historical inaccuracies are interesting. For instance, the description of the 1896 Battle of Adua reads: A wrong estimation of the degree of training and of the discipline of the enemy forces on the part of the Italian headquarters caused the defeat of the Italian troops which were almost wiped out by overwhelming hordes of Abyssinians. In fact General Barateiri let his troops scatter thus exposing them to the sudden attacks of the Zulus. t-pca072a2PCA 072t-pca072a3PCA 072But these proud warriors were highly trained and disciplined, and their extreme swiftness enabled them to make rapid and perfect strategic movements. It summed up in the massacre of fifteen thousand men inexorably put to rout far from their country. This is the only European popular culture depiction of the Battle of Adua, for children, that I have come across. A rare find, complete with box. Condition very good. MB ah eh kh

Price: $525.00

eth152ETH 152





Rare fascist game "LA CONQUISTA DELL'ABISSINIA", produced by graphic artist F. Galbiati (Milano). Size 34x4cm. M

Price: $900.00

eth057ETH 057


Complete set of 6 postcards by Aurelio Bertiglia on the Italian invasion of Ethiopia. MM eh ah

Price: $240.00

Note: Aurelio Bertiglia was born in Turin, 23 June 1891. He was an illustrator, commercial artist, caricaturist, graphic designer (musical scores, commercial and publicity graphics), fashion designer and painter. Mainly self-taught, from the age of fourteen he was very active in producing postcards and he also worked for German publishers. Postcards: several series of children, several series of little women and during 1915 - 1918 several anti-Austrian caricatures. What is interesting is that in World War 1 he did anti-German art and then reversed in World War 2.

t-apc035APC 035 t-apc035aAPC 035 t-apc035bAPC 035

Complete set of Spanish confectionary cards entitled Guerra Italo-Abisinia. 60 cards in all, described on reverse. A very rare set. eH AH B

Price: $1200.00

t-pc158PC158album Voyage Autour du Monde OceaniePC158


French sticker album Voyage Autour du Monde Oceanie, by Choclate Casino. 249/250 stickers present. Covers Pacific Islands, Australia and New Zealand as well as Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt. Well described. 1950's. M

Price: $300.00

t-apc031APC 031 Guerra Italo EtiopieAPC 031


Rare and complete collection of 24 Spanish trade cards by Chocolate Comet-Figueras entitled Guerra Italo Etiopie, Series A. All described on back. C1938. MBB eh AH

Price: $900.00

the reign of Theodore II APC 010the reign of Theodore II APC 010


Complete set of 21 Spanish trade cards, Abissinia, by Chocolates Eduardo Pi. The subject is the reign of Theodore II and specifically the 1867 British invasion. Described on back. Rare. B eh AH

Price: $500.00

1896 Italian invasion of AbyssiniaAPC 0061896 Italian invasion of AbyssiniaAPC 006

Complete set of 8 chromo cards on the 1896 Italian invasion of Abyssinia, by French Chocloate D'Aiguebelle. Described on back. Rare. MBBB eh AH

Price: $300.00

Haile Selassie and his familyAPC 011Haile Selassie and his familyAPC 011


Complete set of 21 Spanish trade cards, La Guerra Entre Italia Y Abysinia, by Chocolate Vilades. This is series one and contains descriptions on reverse. All photographic images, some with Haile Selassie and his family. Very rare. M eh AH

Price: $650.00

Haile Selassie testing a machine gunAPC 028Haile Selassie testing a machine gunAPC 028

Complete set of 21 Spanish trade cards, La Guerra Entre Italia Y Abysinia, by Chocolate Vilades. This is series two and contains descriptions on reverse. All photographic images, some obscure images of Haile Selassie testing a machine gun, female warrior, Abyssinian air force pilots and more. Very rare. AH M eh

Price: $800.00

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