Vichy/ Free France and Lead up

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Three pieces of ephemera relating to Edouard Drumont and his anti-semitic and communist views.

Price: $300.00

Note from Wikipedia: Édouard Adolphe Drumont (3 May 1844 – 5 February 1917) was a French antisemitic journalist, author and politician. He initiated the Antisemitic League of France in 1889, and was the founder and editor of the newspaper La Libre Parole (founded in 1892). After spending years of research, he synthesised three major types of antisemitism. The first type was traditional Catholic attitudes toward the alien "Christ killers" augmented by vehement antipathy toward the French Revolution. The second type was hostility toward capitalism. The third type was so-called scientific racism, based on the argument that races have fixed characteristics, and asserting that Jews have negative characteristics. His work played a key role in catalyzing the Dreyfus Affair.

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Four anti-Vichy broadsides issued by various resistance movement. SOLD

Price: $600.00

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Vichy period childrens propaganda book Il etait une fois un Pays Heureux… (once upon a time there was a happy country...). Rare.

Price: $300.00

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Text of the Armistice of June 1940 between Germany and France as well as Italy and France. 30 pages.

Price: $150.00

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4 satirical postcards of the Nazi occupation of Alsace.

Price: $200.00

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Agenda de la Jeunesse, 1941. A diary belonging to Willy Dalon, born in 1924. He was a radio operator. On December 3 he became a prisoner at age 17.

Price: $300.00

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Official album of Youth Day, May 1, 1942. It was prepared for Marshall Petain and shows his itinerary of the various cities he visits and his schedule. It appears to be Petain’s personal copy or that of his assistant. Photos are original and not copies. SOLD

Price: $2500.00

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Le Progres de L’Allier Edition de Vichy. Running from 1940-1944, it supported the Vichy regime and was the last newspaper to shutdown in Vichy during the liberation. 5 editions from August 14 to August 27, two days after France was liberated. Not shown in Worldcat except 2 editions held at the National Library of France. However, when I searched the library I found nothing.

Price: $800.00

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15 issues of Vichy Libre. It was the first liberation newspaper in the town of Vichy, headquarters of the Vichy regime. First issue printed August 26, 1944, a day after Paris was liberated and roughly a week after what was left of the Vichy government was taken to France and housed at Sigmaringen Castle until the end of the war. This is a near complete run of 15 out of 20 issues, the last two issue dated the same day, September 17, 1944. This newspaper does not appear in Worldcat.

Price: $2000.00

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La France Nouvelle Travaille 1941, by the Secretary General of Information. Excellent condition. SOLD

Price: $300.00

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French propaganda Bajus Rentre a Paris. Shortly after the fall of Narvik. Not sure if complete.

Price: $120.00

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One of the last pieces of propaganda issued by the French Secretary General of Information and Propaganda just a few weeks before Paris was liberated. It translates as: they murder! envelopes in the folds of our flag. they commit their crimes wrapped in the folds of our flag. They sabotage but it is French people they kill, because the convoys of the occupying troops are well protected.. they murder and unconscious people pay for them. Women and children suffer more severe restrictions. trains of freed prisoners turn around. they betray. the "Times" of August 1 admits that on board the Potomac, the Anglo-Saxons and the Russians shared the world; Europe was awarded to the Soviets and their agents, the communists. they want to add to the massacres of foreign war the horrors of civil war.

Price: $180.00

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Vichy propaganda Ouvriers! La Roue Tournee. It promotes the program of the Vichy Regime.

Price: $190.00

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Vichy propaganda Le Chf et la Famille. 1942.

Price: $220.00

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Vichy propaganda La Patrie Communaute Nationale. It outlines in detail the Vichy work program details for 1943. SOLD

Price: $190.00

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Les Guts Revolutionnaires de la Legion Francaise e Combattants. It gives 10 point promoting the glory of France and warning against the jews and the masons.

Price: $270.00

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1941 French propaganda against Jews, Masons and the English. Titled Ragots Bobards et Racontars.

Price: $200.00

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Francais Vous Avez un Empire. Semaine de la France D’Outre-Mer du 15 au 22 Juillet 1941.

Price: $180.00

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1941 Vichy publication by the Secretary General for Youth, titled On the threshold of New Life. 37 pages.

Price: $190.00

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Anti-Vichy pamphlet put out by the Union of Republican Youth of France, in Marseille.

Price: $200.00

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