Out of Print Books

t-opb402OPB 402



La Verdad Sobre Abisinia, by Captian Bairlehem. Barcelona, 1930? Outside of Spain, only the NYPL holds this title. SOLD

Price: $120.00

t-opb401OPB 401


Two editions of Reglements sur les Exercises de la Force Publique, Congo Free State, 1902 and 1904. One book covers title 8: gymnastic exercises, and title 9: work of campaign (trenches, redoubts, etc). The other book is the Annex for title 4: marches and combat. It reviews the various obscure insurrections and campaigns in the Congo between 1892 and 1902, with maps. The books are stamped George Goffin, Etat Major, Boma. Only Northwestern has part of this collection on microfilm. ANEN

Price: $300.00

t-opb400OPB 400



Comment s'est fondee une mission chez les anthropophages. 1936. 145 pages. Notre Dame, Wisconsin, MSU, Columbia, Yale and Western Michigan hold this. Some water stains on cover. ANEN

Price: $90.00

t-opb399OPB 399



L’Italia in Africa. Serie Storico-Militare Volume Terzo L’Opera Dell’Aeronautica Tom II. Eritrea – Somalia – Etiopia (1919-1937) Testo di Vincenzo Lioy. 1965. Not in any US library. ANEN

Price: $100.00

t-opb398OPB 398



The Journals of Major-Gen. C. G. Gordon, C.B., at Khrtoum. 1885. AHEN

Price: $110.00

t-opb397OPB 397



L’Africa Italiana. A school teaching aid by Arnaldo Canossi, 1937. 32 pages. ANEN

Price: $110.00

t-opb396OPB 396



Les Campagnes Belges d’Afrique 1914-1917. Cameroun – Est Africain Allemand. Documents du Service photographique du Ministere des Colonies de Belgique. AHEH

Price: $130.00

t-opb395OPB 395



L’Ascaro Fedele, by Luigi Maurizi. Published in 1929. 62 pages. ANEN

Price: $150.00

eth426ETH 426



Il decalogo del Lavoratore Italiano in AOI. (The Ten Commandments of the Worker in AOI). By the Istituto Coloniale Fascista. 1937. ANEN

Price: $110.00

eth424ETH 424



Galloni Scarlatti, by the Comando Generale della Gurdia di Finanza, 1972. 64 pages. This gives the history of the Guardia di Finanza. Only the National Library in Rome and the Italian Military Museum hold this. ANEN SOLD

Price: $150.00

eth425ETH 425



Fiamme Gialle in Africa (Yellow Flames in Africa), by the Comando Generale della Gurdia di Finanza, 1974. 157 pages. No libraries in Worldcat hold this. ANEN SOLD

Price: $200.00

eth202ETH 202



Ethiopian Paintings, 16th and Early 17th Century. Society of Friends of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies Haile Selassie I University. Addis Ababa, 1971. Contains reproductions of 8 paintings. B ANEH

Price: $75.00

t-opb394OPB 394



Guida D’Italia del Touring Club Italiano, Possedimenti e Colonie. Isole Egee, Tripolitania, Cirenica, Eritrea, Somalia. Milano – 1929. 852 pages. AHEH

Price: $160.00

t-opb393OPB 393t-opb393aOPB 393


With the flag to pretoria, a history of the boer war of 1899-1900. By H.W. Wilson, London, Harmsworth Brothers. Volumes 1 and 2 of 4. AH

Price: $300.00

t-opb391OPB 391



Spedizione in Tripolitania ed in Cirenaica, Bulletino N. 14. Copy #4 stamped PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL, dated August 5, 1912. 8 pages, complete with map. ANEN

Price: $200.00

t-opb389OPB 389



Le Truppe Libiche Nella Guerra Coloniale, Viaggio del Duce in Libia per L’Inaugurazione Della Litoranea Anno XV. 28 pages. 14 small punch holes throughout, with no paper loss. 27 pages. Rare. ANEN

Price: $120.00

t-opb298OPB 298


Handelingen der Gelukzalige Neger – Martelaren van Oeganda, Missiehuis der Missionarissen van Afrika. 1923. B ANEH

Price: $90.00

t-opb388OPB 388t-opb388aOPB 388



Le Medaglie D’oro al Valor Militare per la Conquista Dell’Impero, 1927. 87 pages. B ANEN

Price: $250.00

t-opb387OPB 387



Lyautey, by Andre Maurois, 1937. 32 pages. Childrens book. AHEH

Price: $120.00

t-opb385OPB 385



Congo Belge et Ruanda-Urundi, Deux Cent Vingt Deux Photographies, by Pierre Verger, 1952. EHAH

Price: $90.00

t-opb386OPB 386



Il Maresciallo Graziani (Vicere D’Etiopia), by Ugo Caimpenta. 1936, 252 pages. EHAH

Price: $60.00

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