Burma / Malaysia

br026BR 026

World War 1 period photo album belonging to a British officer stationed in Burma and the Shan States. Show him on board HMS Canning en route from Bombay to Rangoon. Several officers mentioned by name. Shows different stops along the march from Mandalay to Maymo, military camp (“my first Johnson tent”) at Maymo, General Simpson and Mrs. Hurley, numerous photos of Shans, military installations in Mandalay and Rangoon, numerous officers mentioned by name, various pagodas in urban and rural areas, more. All 48 photos captioned. Binding split but completely intact with no missing photos. B

Price: $600.00

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1907 cigarette card “Time and Money”, featuring Burma. B

Price: $20.00

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18th century engraving of a Burmese female. B

Price: $20.00

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1902 illustration from obscure English periodical Black & White, showing Ohu Ghine, his son and suite.B

Price: $20.00

br021BR 021



4 early British confectionary cards featuring Burma. Text on back. B

Price: $40.00

br020BR 020Letter from American missionary Mathilde Killingsworth to the USA, dated 1958 from the Methodist Girls school at 12 Mount Sophia, Singapore. M

Price: $70.00

Note: from the internet: Mathilde Killingsworth (1904-1986) was an American missionary. She was born on March 14, 1904 in Fayette, Mississippi. She received a B.A. degree from the University of Mississippi, and an M.A. from Scarritt College. In 1936, she was commissioned and appointed to China as a missionary for the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. When the Sino-Japanese war broke out, Killingsworth worked in the Tai Wha Christian Community Center, Korea, for six months before returning to China. Upon returning to China, she worked in the Shanghai refugee camps. From 1938 until 1941, she worked at the Hong Kong Institutional Church in Soochow. Sometime after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Killingsworth was ordered to return to the United States. She was transferred to the China Office of the Board of Mission in New York City. By 1946, she was allowed to return to Soochow and resumed her work at the Moore Memorial Church in Shanghai. Killingsworth began working with the Methodist Church in Malaya in 1954. During her stay she worked with the Kampong Kapor Methodist Church in Singapore for a year and a half and then as a treasurer and field correspondent with the Women's Division in Malaya and Singapore for six and a half years. Upon returning to the United States in 1963, she served as a field worker, along with her sister Louise, for the Department of Christian Social Relations and the Board of Christian Social Concerns. Then in 1965, both she and Louise, transferred from the World Division to the National Division of the Board of Missions of the Methodist Church. The reason for this transfer was to work as deaconesses in the Upper Mississippi Conference of the Central Jurisdiction. Killingsworth retired in 1969 and died in 1986.

t-phpc092PHPC 092t-phpc092aPHPC 092

Photo album from a British soldier named Reginald, with the RACON section (radar beacon) of the 9th Battalion of the York and Lancaster Regiment based in East India. They were active in the Arakan War in Burma in 1942-1943 and in the battles in Southern Burma in 1944-1945. Shown are the memorial to the unit, the author standing atop a downed Japanese zero at Mingaladon, with his mates outside the RACON unit, numerous photos of Rangoon and Mandalay in 1945-1946, his billet at Maymo, Japanese POW’s clearing wreckage of one of their own fighters, new camp at Mergui, sitting atop a spitfire, more. t-phpc092bPHPC 092t-phpc092cPHPC 09249 photos in all, none missing, many with captions on reverse. All photos tipped in. M

Price: $600.00

Note: The 9th Battalion was raised in 1940, after being stationed in Northern Ireland with the 71st Brigade from 1940 to 1942. They were sent to India in 1942 where they joined the 25th Indian Infantry Division, part of the 53rd Indian Infantry Brigade. The battalion took a significant part in the Arakan battles of 1942–1943 and in the battles for southern Burma in 1944 to 1945.t-phpc092dPHPC 092t-phpc092ePHPC 092

br018BR 018br018aBR 018br018a1BR 018

Official photo album from the Directorate of Defense Services Intelligence Ministry of Defence, Rangoon, Burma. C1960’s. 23 original photos taken at a gathering of defense representatives. From the estate of the Royal Naval representative, thought to have been a Commander Shepherd, who is featured in all photos. There are several photos of Burmese General Ne Win, who was variously Prime Minister and President during the years 1958-1988. B

Price: $900.00

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C1965 book on Kuala Lampur published by the American Association of Malaysia. Batik cover. An interesting insight as to what Americans think of Kuala Lampur and the advice they give to new ex-pats. B

Price: $200.00

br016BR 016br016aBR 016



Two magazines titled The British Empire, published by BBC TV Time-Life Books, 1972. Imperial Sunset in China and Malaya and Buccaneers of the East. B

Price: $100.00

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