Map published in the San Francisco Examiner on August 22, 1943. Titled "Amazing Invasion Map-Japs Plan to Seize West Coast", it shows Japans four stage plan to invade the Pacific and the U.S. The information was provided by Han Kil Soo, a Korean nationalist agent who released a 1941 map portraying in four stages Japan's scheme of attack on the United States and Great Britain. It is written in Hirigana, Katakana and Kanji with an explanation in English. Size: 32" x 21". Condition is very good, folded with a little tearing where all the folds merge. M
Price: $320.00
World map from the magazine named King, published by Dainippon Yuden Kodansha (now Kodansha) in 1924 (Taisho14). It was the first magazine in Japan to have more than one million copies. This map was released on January 1, 1936. It is titled Latest Europe Large Map. It shows the number of soldiers in the United States, Britain, France and Russia, the number of battleships and air forces are listed, the area of each European country, population density of each European country, ethnic distribution area. All country names are written in old kanji and katakana. A rare map, repair with archival tape. M
Price: $800.00