Prints and Ephemera

eth435ETH 435



Rare periodical La Tradotta Coloniale, November 9, 1935.

Price: 120.00

eth434ETH 434



Three samples of Italian newspapers published in Eritrea and Ethiopia: Giornale dell’Eritrea (July 29-30, 1954), Corriere Eritreo (December 27, 1936), Il Giornale di Addis Abeba (August 8, 1936).

Price: $250.00

eth433ETH 433



Two issues of Fiamme Nostre. It was the organ of the 220th Blackshirt Legion fighting in Ethiopia. May 15 and May 31, 1936. Very rare. SOLD

Price: $600.00

eth432ETH 432



Rare publication, La Vittoria, February 12, 1936. It was the organ of the volunteer invalid battalion fighting in Ethiopia. Very rare. SOLD

Price: $300.00

eth431ETH 431



An 8 page booklet published by Gaetano D’Amelio with the translated title: The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages in AOI. Physiological reasons or psychological and social reasons? SOLD

Price: $150.00

eth430ETH 430



Booklet published by the Istituto Coloniale Fascista titled The Ten Commandments of the Italian Worker in A.O.I.

Price: $120.00

eth423ETH 423



Two Spanish children’s cut-outs with Ethiopians, during the Italian invasion of Ethiopia. Rare. B

Price: $250.00

eth422ETH 422



Beautiful and well preserved chocolate box. B

Price: $400.00

mp135MP 135



Spectacular illustrated Mapa de Abisinia (Etiopia) by Chocolate San Fernando of Barcelona. Very rare. Size: 46x64cm. m AH EN

Price: $1000.00

eth421ETH 421



Calendario del Regio Esercito. 1937, by the Ministry of War. B SOLD

Price: $0.00

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