OPB 304 Spanish comic book Vidas Ilustres, The Jungle of David Livingstone, 1958. ASK FOR AVAILABILITY Price: $90.00
OPB 298 Handelingen der Gelukzalige Neger – Martelaren van Oeganda, Missiehuis der Missionarissen van Afrika. 1923. B AN Price: $90.00
OPB 283 Lumieres sur L’Afrique. Maison Provinciale des Peres du Saint-Esprit. 1948. Photo images of missionary work of the Spiritans in Africa. B Price: $90.00 OPB 283
OPB 249 Fire on the Mountains. The story of a Miracle. The church in Ethiopia By: Raymond J. Davis 1966. B Price: $15.00 OPB 249