Postcard Collections

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Four photos on postcard stock of types and habits in Asmara.

Price: $100.00

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Eight postcard of local life in Harar, Dire-Daoua and Damba.

Price: $240.00

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Two postcards of leprosy in Harar.

Price: $60.00

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Satirical postcard, seven years before Italy invaded Libya. It shows Turkey holding club behind its back as it welcomes Italy. Menelick, who crushed the Italians eight years earlier is shouting out to Italy saying “Attention, Miss, this is the greatest beauty for me”.

Price: $90.00

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Complete booklet of 12 postcards Souvenir d’Abyssinie. Series 1.

Price: $360.00

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Interesting British postcard issued in 1910, disparaging Abyssinian royalty.

Price: $50.00

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Italian propaganda postcard using children to support the war. The caption reads “for my beautiful country”.

Price: $30.00

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Five colonial photo postcards of Massawa, Eritrea. Four contain text on reverse from a soldier named Ricco, dated October 19, 1936. 

Price: $125.00

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11 colonial postcards of different identified flora and vegetation of Eritrea. B ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

Price: $200.00

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2 colonial postcards of historically important Lake Ashenge in Ethiopia. B ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

Price: $40.00

Note from Wikipedia: On August 29, 1542, Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi, the leader of the Adal Sultanate, advanced upon the Portuguese stockade near Ofla on the southern side of Ashenge, where he fought the Battle of Ofla and prevailed, afterwards capturing and killing the leader Cristóvão da Gama. Another notable battle that took place on the shores of this lake was the Battle of Lake Ashenge on 9 October 1909, when Dejazmach Abate Bwalu defeated the rebel forces of Dejazmach Abraha Araya. On 3 April 1936, thousands of soldiers of the Ethiopian Empire were killed with poison gas all around Lake Ashenge. The soldiers were withdrawing from the Battle of Maychew during the Second Italo-Abyssinian War. As they withdrew, the Italians sprayed and bombed the area around the lake with mustard gas to deadly effect. On 4 April, Emperor Haile Selassie I looked with despair upon the horrific sight of the dead bodies of his army ringing the poisoned lake.

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5 colonial postcards of different fortified mountains and passes in Ethiopia, used by the Ethiopians and later by the Italians. Shown are Amba Alagi/Arcai/Chidane Meret and Passo Uarieu. B ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

Price: $100.00

Note: Amba Alagi has played a central and defining role in every colonial conflict in Ethiopia. It was also the last stand of the Italian army against the British in 1941.

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5 colonial postcards of indigenous markets in AOI. B ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

Price: $100.00

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