French Equatorial Africa

Card Collection French Equatorial AfricaBCC 267Card Collection French Equatorial AfricaBCC 267


A collection of 8 postcards on dancers in French Equatorial Africa. M

Price: $160.00

A collection of 16 postcards showing women at work in French Equatorial Africa. M

Price: $320.00

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A collection of 51 different vintage colonial period postcards on native life in French Congo, showing different villages, caravans, markets, childrens play, hunting, irrigation and road construction. B

Price: $1050.00

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A collection of 18 colonial period postcards on Scenes and Types of C.A.R. Shown are Haute-Sangha, Fort-Sibut, Bangui, Bessou Mission, fishing, and types from Mobaye, Nola, Bacongo, Sambas. M

Price: $370.00

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A collection of 36 vintage postcards of native life in Cameroun. Shown are fantasia, fishing, dancing, markets, cooking, music, purchase of palm kernels, grain storage, native quarters, cattle herding, more. M

Price: $900.00

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