
sml118SML 118sml118aSML 118


Set of 8 official Luce photos on postcard stock of the fighting on the Somali Front. There was not much published material on the Southern relative to the Northern Front. B

Price: $400.00

sml117SML 117sml117aSML 117sml117a1SML 117

Set of 42 official Luce photos on postcard stock of the fighting on the Somali Front. There was not much published material on the Southern relative to the Northern Front. Spectacular photos of Somali regular and irregular troops in auction. Most stamped on reverse Sezione Storico Militare. B

Price: $1900.00

sml117a2SML 117 sml117a3SML 117 sml017eSML 017 sml017fSML 017

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Three important press photos, all captioned on reverse. The first shows the authorities inspecting the reduced command of the bands of the eman. The second shows the arrival of the first tourists to Italian Somaliland in August/September 1929. The third shows the winning entry of the competition for the construction of locally built practical wagons launched by the government of the colony. B

Price: $200.00

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Rare photo of a visit of General Graziani to Mogadishu. From the photo studio La Magna in Mogadishu. Captioned on reverse. B

Price: $60.00

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Two rare photos of the visit of the Principe di Piemonte to Mogadishu. B

Price: $90.00

sml111SML 111sml111aSML 111

17 photos by an Italian soldier based in Mogadishu in May, 1936. Shown are a military camp in the hinterland, local natives, Italians with local children, local nobility, rare photo of dubats on a barge, local architecture, etc. M

Price: $300.00

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Three letters from Italians serving in Italiana Somalia, dated 1920. One appears to be incomplete. M

Price: $100.00

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Italian childrens cut out of Meharisti and Zaptie from Somaliland. 19x29cm. Rare. M

Price: $90.00

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Interesting photograph on postcard stock of a celebration in either Somaliland or Djibouti before a group of Middle East dignitaries. Note the maxim machine gun in the foreground. B

Price: $60.00

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6 Italian colonial period cigarette cards on Italian Somaliland. B

Price: $180.00

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