Spanish/Portuguese Africa

t-peh034PEH 034 Compagnie du Chemin de Fer Beira au Zambeze (Mozambique). Issued in 1898 in Portugal. Uncirculated so all coupons presente. B2 AH

Price: $20

t-peh033PEH 033 Companhia de Cabinda. A Belgian stock issued in 1929. Uncirculated so all coupons present. B AH

Price: $15

Card Collection AngolaBCC 149Card Collection AngolaBCC 149


A vintage colonial foldout booklet of 10 postcards from 1908 on the commercial district and surrounding area of Quissol in Malange Province. One postcard has seperated but package is complete. M

Price: $100.00

Card Collection AngolaBCC 136Card Collection AngolaBCC 136


Three propaganda postcards from Angola dated 1976. B AH EH

Price: $70.00

t-bcc134bBCC 134


Environs in and around Benguela is the subject of this 4 postcard collection. Inclued Liga Nacional de Instrucao. M

Price: $80.00

t-opb280OPB 280

A Vida Economica dos Bantos do Sudoeste de Angola. Subsidios Antropologicos 1. Junta Provincial de Povdamento de Angola. Carlos Estermann. 1971. Many photographic images. B

Price: $60.00

t-opb280aOPB 280

AfricanosOPB 100



Realidades e Desvarios Africanos: By: Armando Cortesao. Dated: 1962. B

Price: $20.00

Portuguese GuineaOPB 098



Portuguese Guinea - Nailing a lie: By: John Biggs-Davison M.P.. Dated: 1970. B

Price: $40.00

Missoes CatolicasOPB 082



Mssoes Catolicas - Portuguesas. Documentario Fotografico: By: Missions Catholiques de L'Outre Mer. Dated: 1964. B

Price: $60.00

Dicionarios Xironga-PortugueOPB 035



Dicionarios Xironga-Portugues e Portugues-Xironga: By: Jose Luis Quintao. Dated: 1951. B

Price: $150.00

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