HIB 033HIB 033 Heroines of Missionary Adventure, by E. C. Dawson, London, 1909. 340 pages. B Price: $110.00
HIB 030HIB 030 The Hebrew Language: Its History and Characteristics, by Henry Craik, 1960, London. 184 pages. B Price: $70.00
HIB 029 Greek Historical Documents: The Helenistic Period, by Roger S. Bagnall and Peter Derow, published by Scholars Press, 1981. 270 pages. B Price: $90.00
HIB 026HIB 026 A Guide to Seals in the Public Record Office, 1954. London, Her Majesty’s Stationary Office. 67 pages. B Price: $60.00
HIB 024HIB 024 The Encyclopedia of Practical Quotations, by J. K. Hoyt, London, 1907. 842 pages. B Price: $200.00