Dutch childrens book entitled Twee Zwervers (Two tramps by the big world) about a Chinese boy and a Dutch boy and their travel around the world. 1936. B
Price: $120.00
CKBC 051
Spanish Comic Book La Pantera Amarilla. 1988 (Reproduction). B
Price: $40.00
CKBC 050
Spanish Comic Book Roberto Alcazar Y Pedrin. Chao-Sing, el pirata. 1977. B
Price: $80.00
CKBC 049
De Avonturen van Nero en Co. De Groene Chinees, by Marc Sleen. Dutch, c1960. B
Price: $90.00
CKBC 048
Los 10 Mejores Cuentos Chinos. Spanish, 1958. B
Price: $90.00
CKBC 047
Avonturen in China. I De Tempelrover Biboeba door A-Dri-Ko. Dutch, c1940. B
Price: $120.00
CKBC 046
Eric de Noorman in: Het Ryk van het Midden. Dutch, c1945. B
Price: $70.00
CKBC 045
Kieine Sjang en zijn Vriendjes. EF Lattimore. German, 1963. B