Rare 1925 issue of El Senyor Canons (in Catalan) with cover showing the Carnaval d’Enguany. The caption reads: “ Caram! Everyone is disguised as Chinese”. M
Price: $70.00
CPC 145
Spanish comic book on the story Tse-Hsi, dated 1965. M
Price: $110.00
CPC 143
Spanish comic book on the adventures of Ella Maillart, who travelled from Switzerland to China in the 1930’s, dated 1969. M
Price: $90.00
CPC 142
Set of 6 19th century French confectionary chromos poking fun at the Chinese. This was produced at the time of the French invasion of Southern China/Tonkin. Rare. M
Price: $300.00
CPC 131
Two Italian patriotic postcards for units that fought in the Boxer Rebellion. M
Price: $100.00
CPC 130
Early Spanish comic titled La Sombra de Fu-Pei-Fu. M
Price: $35.00
EAD 022
Collection of 8 China humor postcards published mainly in the UK (4), France (1) and the US (1). M
Price: $160.00
CPC 129
1898 illustration of Germans landing stores at Tsingtau for Kiao-Chau. B
Price: $20.00
Complete set of 10 vintage Raphael Tuck postcards on oriental caricatures, by artist Graham Hyde. Rare. M
Price: $400.00
CPC 128
Double page 19th century illustration of a visit to a prison in Shanghai. Size 31x46cm. B