Photos and Postcards

photos of JapanEAPH006


3 color photos of Japan, c1940

Price: $60.00

Yoshiura, Hiro,Nikata and KureEAPH004Yoshiura, Hiro,Nikata and KureEAPH004


 Collection of 26 snaps showing Yoshiura, Hiro, Nikata and Kure. M

Price: $150.00

Japan Exhibition at Earls CourtEAPH002Japan Exhibition at Earls CourtEAPH001


Collection of 5 period postcards of the Japan Exhibition at Earls Court. M

Price: $125.00


t-mob112MOB 112t-mob112aMOB 112t-mob112a1MOB 112Approximately 190 photos and other items that belonged to Susie Thomas, who was a missionary in Japan during the early 1950’s with the WFJCM (Worldwide Fellowship with Jesus Christ Mission). M

Price: $1200.00

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