1874 illustration from L'Illustrazione Popolare showing the assembly of daimios around the taikun throne. B
Price: $20.00
JPC 629
Complete set of 6 cards by Zuntz Kaffee done in 1910 on the Russo-Japanese War. Rare. M AH
Price: $200.00
JPC 812
1874 illustration from L'Illustrazione Popolare showing the Korean lion dance in Japan. B
Price: $20.00
JPC 604JPC 604
Two USA gum cards produced in 1954 by TOPPS called Scoops. It was done as events would be shown in a newspaper. These cards show the attack on Pearl Harbor and the Japanese surrender. The later has a soft crease. M
Price: $90.00
JPC 811
1886 illustration from L'Illustrazione Popolare showing Japanese girls. B
Price: $20.00
Collection of 31 American gum cards from 1942 on the war. This group gives striking images and text on reverse of action in the Pacific. M
Price: $900.00
JPC 603;
JPC 603;
JPC 603;
JPC 810
1875 illustration from L'Illustrazione Popolare showing the Japanese butterfly dance. B
Price: $20.00
JPC 602
December 15, 1940 issue of Italian magazine Sapere. This issue is dedicated to Italy’s Japanese ally. Full of propaganda and the close ties between Italy and Japan, photo images. Rare. M
Price: $150.00
JPC 809
1875 illustration from L'Illustrazione Popolare showing porters cleaning the interior of a home. B
Price: $20.00
JPC 600
Collection of 11 photo cigarette cards on Japan and China, 1927. M