Tibet/ Mongolia/ Nepal

t-kt017bKT 017


A collection of 16 illustrations from European periodicals on 19th century Tibet. Shows Tibetan military, tea culture, views, culture, English incursion in 1904, monastaries, monks, the Dali Lama in 1910, the Sven Haydin expedition, Buddhist temple. B 

Price: $490.00

t-kt017aKT 017 t-kt017a1KT 017 t-kt017a2KT 017 t-kt017a3KT 017
t-kt017a4KT 017 t-kt017a5KT 017 t-kt017a6KT 017 t-kt017a14KT 017
t-kt017a8KT 017 t-kt017a9KT 017 t-kt017a10KT 017 t-kt017a11KT 017
t-kt017a12KT 017 t-kt017a13KT 017 t-kt017a7KT 017 t-kt017a15KT 017

t-sape022a1SAPE 022Large collection of 20 illustrations from European periodicals on the British Mission to Yarkund and Kashgar in 1874. The Pamirs are a moutainous region of central Asia, lying on the north-west border of India. Since 1875 the Pamirs have probably been the best explored region of High Asia. Not only have many travelers of many nationalities directed their steps towards the Bam-i-dunya (“the Roof of the World”) in search of adventure or of scientific information, but the government surveys of Russia and India have met in these high altitudes, and there effected a connection which have helped to solve many of the geodetic problems which beset the superficial survey of Asia. Since Wood first discovered a source of the Oxus in Lake Victoria in 1837, and left us a somewhat erroneous conception of the physiography of the Pamirs, the gradual approach of Russia from the north stimulated the processes of exploration from the side of India. Native explorers from India first began to be be busy in the Pamirs about 1860, and continued their investigations for the following 15 years. In 1874 the mission of Sir D. Forsyth to Yarkund led to the systematic geographical exploration of the Pamir country.The illustrations in this collection are mainly from Forsyth's mission. B

Price: $440.00

t-sape022a2SAPE 022 t-sape022a3SAPE 022 t-sape022a4SAPE 022 t-sape022a5SAPE 022
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t-sape039SAPE 039t-sape039aSAPE 039



American Geographical Society Afganistand the Himalayan States. By Patricia and Robert C. Kingsbury, 1960. All stamps are present. Covers Pakistan Frontier States, Kashmir, Himalaya Punjab, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Assam Himalaya, Little Tibet and Afghanistan. mBB

Price: $100.00

Sven Haydin's Expedition to TibetKT 013Sven Haydin's Expedition to TibetKT 013




A complete collection of 6 Belgium trade cards on Sven Haydin's Expedition to Tibet, 1902. mm AH

Price: $180.00

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