Polynesien und der grosse ocean Polynesia and the Pacific. Many inlays of individual islands. By Blatt. Dated 1870. Size 46 x 27cm. Scale 1:40000000. B
Price: $270.00
By F. Von Strulpnagel. Dated 1878
Size 46 x 37 cm. Scale 1:37000000 UNAVAILABLE
Price: $350.00
A Map of Chinese Teratary with Corea. Tear in margins on the top and botom fold, easily repaired. By S. Dunn. Dated 1774. Size 57 x 46cm. B
Price: $390.00
L'Asie Divisee en ses differens Etats Asia Divided into its different states. By Delmarche Dated 1823. Size 48 x 32cm. B
Price: $395.00
L'Asie divisee En Ses Principle Etats Asia divided into its Principle states. By Janvier. Size 52 x 37cm. B
Price: $375.00
Carta Generale de L'Asie. General Map of Asia. By Brue Dated 1820. Size 68 x 53cm. B
Price: $360.00
A map of part of Borneo and the Sooloo Archipelago. In Respect of the Right Honorable George Lord Pigot. Late Governer of St George. By A. Dalrymple From data gathered between 1761 and 1764. Size 71 x 56cm. B