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Set of 9 early English postcard on Egyptian types, in English and Arabic. M

Price: $225.00

t-egy062EGY 062t-egy062aEGY 062



Set of 6 early English satirical postcards on tourists in Egypt. M

Price: $150.00

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Set of 6 early English satirical postcards on Egyptian life. M

Price: $150.00

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Set of 8 early English satirical postcards on Egyptian life. M

Price: $200.00

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A Brief Record of The Advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force Under the Command of General Sir Edmund H. H. Allenby. July 1917 to October 1918. Compiled from Official Sources and Published by the Palestine News. Cairo. Produced by the Government Press and Survey of Egypt. 1919. 113 pages of text and 57 map plates with additional text. Rare. B EN

Price: $800.00

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Set of 6 cards by a French confectioner on Egypt, c1910. B

Price: $80.00

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1806 engraving of Saadi, or Egyptian Quack, curing a sick man by pretended conjurations with serpents. EHB

Price: $60.00

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A Turkish lady smoking the narguile. B

Price: $20.00

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Preliminary deed of a bond sale by Y. Rofe & Co., based in Cairo, dated 1931. Also an Arab language version. B

Price: $20.00

Note: A curious link with the Panama canal is provided by this prospectus published by the broker. Holders of the 1883 series of Suez obligations were offered the opportunity to participate in drawings of Panama canal lottery bonds, but only if they were up to date with their subscriptions on the Suez canal bonds.

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8 early 20th century photo images to be pasted on postcards. B

Price: $25.00

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Collection of 7 photos from the destruction at Port Said during the 1956 war. M

Price: $150.00

t-egy044EGY 044t-egy044aEGY 044t-egy044a1EGY 044


19 vintage postcards of daily life and types of Egypt. B

Price: $380.00

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