The Morning Lands of History, A visit to greece, Palestine and Egypt, by Rev. HUGH PRICE HUGHES. B EH
Price: $40.00
The Morning Lands of History, A visit to greece, Palestine and Egypt, by Rev. HUGH PRICE HUGHES. B EH
Price: $40.00
1926, A century of excavation in Palestine, by R. A. S. MACALISTER. B EH
Price: $40.00
1936, Genghis Khan, by Ralph FOX, with 8 Illustrations and 2 maps. B EH
Price: $40.00
1860, The Hebrew Language: Its History and Characteristics, Including improved renderings of select passages in our authorized translation of the old testament, by Henry CRAIK. B EH
Price: $80.00
1799, Elisha, from the German of Dr. F. W. KRUMMACHER, Author of " Elijah the Tishbite". B EN
Price: $70.00
1890, Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa, by Henry BARTH. B EH
Price: $90.00
Die Turkei, by F.C. ENDRES. B
Price: $120.00
1907, Islam, A Challemge to Faith, by Samuel M. ZWEMER. B
Price: $50.00
1896, The Sword of Islam or Suffering Armenia, Annals of Turkish Power and the Eastern Question, by J. Castell. HOPKINS. B
Price: $70.00
1886, Ancient Egypt, The Story of the Nations, by George RAWLINSON. B EN
Price: $70.00