Collection of seven 19th century illustrations from European periodicals on jewish persecutions, expulsions and refugees in Russia, Corfu, England, Roumelia, Paris and in allegory. B
Price: $250.00
Collection of seven 19th century illustrations from European periodicals on jewish persecutions, expulsions and refugees in Russia, Corfu, England, Roumelia, Paris and in allegory. B
Price: $250.00
Collection of 12 lesser know French and Italian periodicals with illustrations of the Dreyfus Affair. All complete. La Vie Illustree, Psst…!, La Tribuna Illustrata, Le Progres Illustre. B
Price: $600.00
Propaganda leaflet, anti-semitic. m
Price: $290.00
Propaganda booklet, We Do Our Part….We Did Our Part. m
Price: $250.00
Propaganda booklet, Les “Attentistes”. m
Price: $250.00
Propaganda booklet, Le Boschevisme Exploitation Juive. m
Price: $90.00
Booklet on Buchenwald. m
Price: $150.00
A very unusual anti-semitic French document produced in 1940-1941. It is disguised as Free French. Very rare. m
Price: $450.00
A collection of 6 documents from the Litzmanstadt ghetto in Lodz, Poland. Ration coupons for cigarettes, milk, bread and groceries. Identity card living in the ghetto. Interesting for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that some of the ration cards are marked “GESTORBEN” with an ‘X’ marked. m
Price: $1500.00
Press photo of 1942 German propaganda showing the history of the USA with Uncle Sam pushing a native American over a cliff, who, in turn is pushed over the cliff by a jew. m
Price: $90.00