Palestine Pre-1948

pl061PL 061



Vintage German chromo card of the Kaiser landing at Haifa. B

Price: $20.00

pl059PL 059pl059aPL 059pl059a1PL 059

Group of 12 prints from 1880 on the Holy Land. Interesting to see the Muslim and arab footprint of the region. B

Price: $300.00

pl056PL 056pl056aPL 056

Photo album belonging to Thomas Leslie Davies, with the North Lancashire Regiment, based in Palestine in 1945. Some standard classical photos of religious sites, but with street scenes of Jerusalem, life on a kibbutz, arabs at work, life in Tel Aviv, street scenes in Haifa, mosques. Lots of city views from before the state of Israel was created. 109 photos in all, with 12 flowers of different parts of Palestine included. B

Price: $450.00

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Photo postcard of bridge across the Wadi Hesi, blown up by the Turks in their retreat. M

Price: $20.00

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Snapshots from a British visitor to Palestine shortly after WW1. Shown are Nablus, Sebastia, WW1 British cemetery, arabs in Jerusalem, Nebi Musa procession, arab market in the old city, St. George’s Greek Monastery, arabs at the Wailing Wall. Mostly of arab life in Palestine. 29 photos, all captioned. m

Price: $210.00

t-meb121MEB 121



Wiena, 5627. Machsor Tom III. 1867. B

Price: $90.00

pl051PL 051pl051aPL 051


29 illustrations of Palestine sketched in 1861, some showing arab life, mosques, etc in areas occupied by Israel currently. Taken from The Sunday at Home: A Family Magazine for Sabbath Reading. B

Price: $870.00

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1900 illustrations and text from The Sphere concerning the Zionist conference in London, showing Jewish populations by country and “an ideal view of the Zionist movement”. B

Price: $90.00

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Five 19th century illustrations showing Jaffa and Tiberius and arab life in Palestine. B

Price: $120.00

pl028PL 028


Palestine Mandated Territory pavilion at the 1924 British Empire Exhibition. B

Price: $40.00

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