Persia, Iraq, Arabia, Gulf

pr097PR 097



The tomb of Subaida hanim in Bagdad. B

Price: $25.00

pr096PR 096


Early postcard of a dwarf in Hamadan. B

Price: $60.00

pr093PR 093pr093aPR 093


Group of 28 vintage postcards of Scenes and Types of Aden.

Price: $600.00

pr093a1PR 093 pr093a2PR 093 pr093a3PR 093 pr093a4PR 093

t-me226ME 226



Five European confectionary cards on Arabia and Arabs. B

Price: $100.00

mp500MP 500


A Sketch Map of Part of North Western Arabia an Negd, by Charles M. Doughty. Travels, Nov. 1876 to Aug. 1878 in Arabia: May & June 1875 in the Peraea (Presented to R.G.S. September 1883). Scale 32 english miles to 1 inch. Size: 68x50cm. Much explanatory text. M

Price: $800.00

t-tro074TRO 074t-tro074aTRO 074

El muhaddisat el Müderrisiyet, 1938. (44 sayfa) / Matbaa-i Mustafa Muhammed. Levanten İlkokulları. Suudi Arabistan Krallığı'nda Genel İlim Müdürlüğü'nün müfredatını ikinci kalemle uygulamış ve ilköğretim ikinci yılına karar vermiş ve bulmuş ve Muhammed Taha Mahmud yükseköğretmen diplomasını takdim etmiştir. Published at Mekke-i Mükerreme. Sahibi/Publisher: Omar Eid. Print House: Mustafa Muhammed b. Abid. 1938 – 1357. “Levantine School - Primary Schools In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, this implemented the curriculum of the General Science Directorate for the second year of primary education, and Mohammed Taha Mahmud presented his higher teacher diploma. Published In Makkah: For its owner: Omar Eid, Publisher:Mustafa Muhammed S. 1938 – 1357.” This is an early school book printed just 6 years after the formation of Saudi Arabia. Printed in Mecca. M EN

Price: $300.00

t-tro073TRO 073t-tro073aTRO 073t-tro073a1TRO 073

İran Salnamesi. Miladi 1943, Bahar sayısı. Ülkenin kültürel, politik, sosyal yıllığı. İçerisinde döneme dair birçok önemli bilginin yer aldığı İran Yıllığı. 208 sayfa. “Iranian Yearbook. Gregorian 1943, Spring issue. Cultural, political, social yearbook of the country. The Iranian Yearbook, which contains many important information about the period. 208 pages.” M EN

Price: $300.00

pr091PR 091



Two Punch cartoons commemorating the visit of the Shah of Iran to London. B

Price: $50.00

t-me217ME 217



19th century engraving of El Wuish in the Red Sea. B

Price: $60.00

pr090PR 090


1857 illustration of Bunder Deelum, in the Persian Gulf, with complete descriptive text. B

Price: $30.00

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