CA 068 Negro expulsion from a railway car, Philadelphia. Illustrated London News, Nove. 27, 1856. Size: 8x10cm. B10 Price: $40.00
CA 059 1861 print from Le Monde Illustre of three phases of slaves reaching freedom. Size: 26 x 37cm. M Price: $35.00
CA 058 1861 print from the Illustrated London News of dealers inspecting a negro at a slave auction in Virginia. Size: 16 x 16cm. B6M Price: $20.00
CA 057 1856 print from The Illustrated London News on the slave market in Richmond. Size: 27,5 x 40cm. B13M Price: $30.00
CA 056 1876 print from The Illustrated London News on sketches of colored people in Philadelphia. Size: 26 x 40cm B4M Price: $25.00
CA 053 1876 print from The Illustrated London News of Negro militia in Fairmont park. Size: 27 x 40cm. B10 Price: $50.00
CA 052 1879 print from Illustrirte Zeitung of Scenes from Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Size: 28 x 41cm. M Price: $80.00
CA 051 1861 print of a slave auction in Virginia, from The Illustrated London News. Size: 27,5 x 39,5. M Price: $80.00
CA 050 1861 print of slaves for sale and the dandy slave, from The Illustrated London News. Complete text. Size: 18 x 27,5cm. B5 Price: $30.00