Prints and Ephemera





UK illustration titled Christmas at Sea: The Captain's Pudding. Drawn by C. Gregory, 1877. Measures 27x41. B

Price: $35.00





Nineteenth century German illustration. Measures 26x37cm. B2

Price: $40.00





Nineteenth century Italian illustration titled 'Bianco e nero'. Measures 22x24cm. B2

Price: $35.00




Cover illustration from Le Rire (a right wing French magazine) dated 1900. Caption reads as follows - Wife: ''Oh, my husband.''..Husband: ''Are you the negro? Continue''. Measures 24x31cm. B

Price: $40.00




Rare 1888 colour centrefold illustration titled 'Our House Boat at Henley', showing Prime Minister Gladstone as a minstrel. The cartoon satirizes the issue of Home Rule for Ireland. Measures 36x64cm. B

Price: $200.00




French lunch bag titled Petit Negro, showing two dogs ripping off the childs shorts. Measures 18x27cm. B

Price: $50.00


UK advert for Elliman's Embrocation, made in 1894. The theme here mainly focuses on Africa. Caption reads 'This picture is reproduced from an instantaneous photograph taken by John Bennett Stanford, Esq., at Engatana, about 100 miles up the Tana River, when upon an exploring expedition. Most of the patients are Abyssinians and some Somalis, but Elliman's Embrocation was used for the bruised shoulders of the Zanzibari porters, who are great lovers of it, and are always intensely amused at the sight of the white embrocation upon their black skins'. Measures 29x21cm. B

Price: $40.00




Italian advert for Arturo Vaccari, 1890. Measures 12x17cm. B

Price: $30.00

t-peh128PEH128 Three different types of adverts for Nubian Blacking, 1883-1885. B

Price: $60.00





Advert for Beecham's Pills, dated 1893. Measures 12x16cm. BBB

Price: $40.00

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