CUP 194One of the earliest Colono manuscripts I have seen, this chart lists all 61 Chinese Colonos arriving on the same ship after disembarking in Cuba, and shows information about each Colono as listed below in the descriptions of the column headings. The Chinese historically are noted as having first arrived in Cuba in 1847, and they were typically given 8 year contracts to "work" in Cuba, but ended up being indentured servants and many were enslaved and treated worse than black slaves. This document is complete on both front and back.
General Heading of chart:
"General Registry that shows the number of Chinese and Yucateco workers, classified according to what is allowed for in the Royal Decree of the 7th of July"
Ano de 1862: Year, 1862
This is followed in script, by a town name: Guanabacoa
The "Party" name: Partido de Pepe Antonio
A location: unknown but likely Bajas p...ancion? based on other documents
Column Headings:
Partidos Pedancos y Municipales: " 'Inferior'/Lower Court Parties" and Municiplaities
Nombre de Colono: Name of the Colono
Nacion: China o Yucatan: Nation: China or Yucatan
Sexo: Varon, Hembra: Sex: Male, Female
Edad: Age
Resumen de edad de los contenidos en la planilla:
Summary of the age of those in the chart:
Hasta 15 anos: up to 15 years old
De 15 a 50: from 15 to 50 years old
De 50 en adelante: 50 and up
Estado: Status
Soltero: Single
Casados: Married
Viudos: Widow
Nombre especial que recibio a su llegada a este puerto:
Special name given upon their arrival at this port
Tiempo de Contrata: Duration of Contract
Menos de 5 anos: less than 5 years
De 5 a 10 anos: From 5 to 10 years
De 10 a 15 anos: From 10 to 15 years
De mas de 15 anos: More than 15 years
Trabajo a que se dedica: Type of Work
Servicio domestico: domestic servant
Campo: (working in the) Country
Otras ocupaciones: other work
Nombre y profesion de Patronos: Name and profession of "Boss"
Domicilio de Patrono: Address of bossCUP 194
This chart documents each worker as he/she stepped off the boat from China. Extremely rare and contains a wealth of information on 61 individuals. It shows their Chinese names and the Spanish names each of them will be adopting. Signed at end by El Capitain Vicente Cortes. The reverse contains a hand stamp reading CAPITANIA DEL PARTIDO DE PEPE ANTONIO. The manuscript has been professionally restored with Japanese rice paper, as you can see from the photos. This is the earliest manuscript I have seen relating to the Chinese in Cuba.
Price: $3000.00