Africa General

t-afg095AFG 095t-afg095aAFG 095



Spanish chromo album A Traves de Africa. Album Batanga No. 2. Ten series of stickers. EH AN B

Price: $700.00

t-afg094aAFG 094



Complete set of 6 cards by KNOOR on colonial troops. M

Price: $150.00

t-afg089AFG 089


Early post-war German chromo album on Africa, by Peter Kuhlemann and published by Herba-Verlag Plochingen. 72 chromos, complete. M EH kh AN

Price: $180.00

t-afg085AFG 085t-afg085aAFG 085


Two late 19th century illustrations on African Types. Size 17x26cm. M 

Price: $60.00

t-afg081AFG 081t-afg081aAFG 081



Rare 1920’s Italian childrens album Enciclopedia dell’Intrepido Albo Secondo Figuine dei Costumi Contemporanei dell ‘Africa. All 120 chromos are present and have descriptions. In remarkable condition. B EHKHAN

Price: $1200.00

t-afg081bAFG 081 t-afg081cAFG 081 t-afg081dAFG 081
t-afg074AFG 074 A collection of 5 Spanish chromo cards entitled El Hombre y las Fieras. This set covers different (and unusual) hunting methods in Africa. M eh

Price: $100.00

Voyage Autor du MondeAFG 064Voyage Autor du MondeAFG 064


Album entitled Voyage Autor du Monde, Afrique, by French company Casino. All 250 stickers are present and subject matter covers all Africa. B eh AH

Price: $550.00

dealing with AfricaAFG 060dealing with AfricaAFG 060


Afrika, by German company Margarine-Union, 1952. A rare album, complete with all 100 cards present, all dealing with Africa. Good condition, with some cover wear. MB eh

Price: $500.00


Africa y Sus HabitantesAFG 057Africa y Sus HabitantesAFG 057

Spanish COMPLETE 216 chromo sticker album entitled Africa y Sus Habitantes by Album Maga. Very good condition. M eh

Price: $600.00

A Traves de AfricaAFG 056A Traves de AfricaAFG 056


Spanish COMPLETE 100 card album in 10 series, entitled A Traves de Africa by Album Batanga. A fascinating album dealing with odd issues. Each page of chromos is accompanied by a page of text. Three ink stamps by Batanga Chocolates on each page of chromos. Very good condition. Rare. BB eh

Price: $550.00

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