The Jubilee Singers of Fisk University College is illustrated in this English periodical from 1873. Complete text as well. M
Price: $40.00
The Jubilee Singers of Fisk University College is illustrated in this English periodical from 1873. Complete text as well. M
Price: $40.00
Two 19th century English illustrations of American negro church movements in America. Shows a negro baptism in New Orleans and family worship on a plantation in South Carolina. MB
Price: $60.00
1936 American gum card titled G Men & Heroes of the Law. It gives written and graphic detail of Corporal Simpsons’s killing of a “murderous criminal”. The text reads that he responded to “a message from a terrified citizen who reported that a gigantic Negro desperado had camped in nearby woods and had been threatening death”. B3m
Price: $60.00
The negro cowboys, by Philip Durham and Everett L. Jones. B
Price: $60.00
Spanish comic book Estrellas del Deporte, Archie Moore, 1967. m
Price: $90.00
French Petite Almanch pour 1937. Size: 3,5x5,5cm.
Price: $70.00
1923 Spanish sheet music titled Fox – Shimmy Ku-Klux-Klan, by W. Keppler Lais. Interesting cover. Good condition. BM
Price: $500.00
African money bracelet. Traders used these heavy bracelets in trade for african ivory, gold etc. Produced in Birmingham England in the mid - 1800's. Weight : 5 Ounces. B EH
Price: $30.00
The Book of American Negro Poetry. James Weldon Johnson. 1958. B
Price: $90.00
Complete set of 6 Liebig trade cards printed in 1904 in Italy entitled The Case of Uncle Tom. Described on back. Rare. M
Price: $250.00