British East / Central Africa

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13 colonial postcards of Sudan, showing scarification, Lotuko, Bicharis, Golo and Shilluk types, Dinka children with their toys, different markets. B

Price: $390.00

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Set of early Liebig confectionary cards titled Africa Orientale (East Africa). B

Price: $80.00

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4 postcards from the Missions des P.P. Saint-Esprit of locals around Zanzibar. B

Price: $120.00

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Perpetual missionary calendar. Italian. B

Price: $60.00

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Photo album from English visitors (missionaries?) to the Akoraheka Ranching and Dairy Co-op in West Uganda in 1968 and again in 1970-1971. 37 photos covering the Co-op and the locals working there, as well as the ubiquitous photos of wildlife on safari. No captions.

Price: $300.00

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7 photos of south Sudanese. Photos processed by the Karakashian Brothers of Khartoum.B

Price: $150.00

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7 colonial postcards of different Kenya types. B

Price: $140.00

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2 Colonial postcard of native life in Zanzibar. B

Price: $50.00

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1875 illustration of the Sultan of Zanzibar at Manchester. B SOLD

Price: $30.00

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7 postcards of colonial Sudan, showing an Ostrich feather merchant, native market, Bicharins, a Shuli hut, a Nanos type, a Sudanese soldier and more. B

Price: $105.00

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