British East / Central Africa

fa214FA 214


Photo of a 1944 Kenyan workshop. B

Price: $25.00

t-bra129BRA 129



17 vintage postcards issued by Italian missionary societies operating in Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya. B

Price: $340.00

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Complete set of 10 postcards by the L’Istituto Missioni Africane di Verona on early activities in Tanzania. Rare.B

Price: $200.00

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Six photographic postcards of Rhodesia, showing a tobacco auction at Salisbury, Victoria Falls and the hotel there, Great Zimbabwe and Metabele wives. B

Price: $120.00

t-bra122BRA 122

Photo album of a group of Heart of Africa (WES International) missionaries to East Africa from 1958-1960. Well annotated with a number of missionaries mentioned by name. Places shown include Karble, Nabugabo, Gahina, Ruanda-Urundi, Eastern and Northern Provinces of Uganda. 174 photos in all. M

Price: $900.00

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Four photos/postcard stock taken by Giorgio Torchia of Nyeri district in the 1930’s. He was photographing missionary activity around the world on behalf of the Vatican. B

Price: $120.00

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The Zimbabwean Review, edited by Carole Pearce. A sophisticated and interesting arts magazine issued from Harare. Included are the Preview issue of December 1994 and the first issue of April 1995. B

Price: $300.00

t-bra105BRA 105


3 Dutch chromo cards on the war in Soudan. M

Price: $90.00

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Double page fold-out illustrations from the war in the Sudan, 1881-1885. B

Price: $70.00

t-aml037AML 037



Spanish childrens comic Vidas Ejemplares. Monsenor Daniel Comboni. 1963. M eh

Price: $90.00

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