Prints and Ephemera

eth347ETH 347



Vintage advertising poster for Lama razor blades. 49x69cm.  SOLD

Price: $900.00

eth345ETH 345



Rare Italian children’s game entitled “The Economic Conquest of the Empire”. 1937. 39x55cm. Very rare. B KN AH

Price: $600.00

eth343ETH 343



Two pieces of original artwork for medals awarded for the invasion of Ethiopia. Rare. B

Price: $800.00

eth341ETH 341


A document showing the Amharic/Geez alphabetical table. It is new to me the way it is arranged. I think it was done at the time of Haile Selassie in his early years. This was done in commemoration of King Menelik II. The first column represents the modernized form of learning the alphabets. The third column shows the much older form. The royal insignia in the middle between the two sovereigns, Menelik II and Haile Selassie is that of the Solomonic dynasty. B RESERVED

Price: $150.00

eth283ETH 283eth283aETH 283eth283a1ETH 283

Brochure from Italian tent maker Ettore Moretti. Also and advertisement by the same company. Beautiful artwork. B

Price: $350.00

eth282ETH 282


Invitation card from the Istituto Fascista Dell’Africa Italiana to attend a presentation titled “Germany and its colonies” taking place in Milan on January 18, 1938. SOLD

Price: $30.00

eth281ETH 281


Patriotic postcards for the foundation of the new empire. One card shows Addis Abeba stricken out and in Italian colors it reads: new Italian flower with the date of May 5, 1936. The second, bordered by the colors of Italy reads: Italy finally has its empire. The king. The Duce, with the date of May 9, 1936. SOLD

Price: $120.00

eth280ETH 280



Rare advertising postcard for an upcoming issue of Edizioni di Politica in Naples. It states the economy of Naples in terms of the empire. B

Price: $40.00

eth279ETH 279eth279aETH 279

Complete subscription brochure by the Istituto Fascista Dell’Africa Italiana, produced during World War 2. It reads on the cover: Africa and the continent of tomorrow. Work for Europe made by the axis that is the master of its destinies. B

Price: $120.00

eth277ETH 277eth277aETH 277


Two unusual large format obituary cards for two soldiers that died fighting in Ethiopia. Gives a history of their service. B SOLD

Price: $80.00

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