Cooking the African way, Constance Nabwire & Bertha vining Montgomery, Photographs by Robet L. & Diane WOLFE. 1988. B ANEH
Price: $40.00
OPB 330
1973, Days of Emperor and Clown, The Italo-Ethiopian War 1935-1936, by James DUGAN and Laurence LAFORE. B AHEH
Price: $60.00
OPB 329
1974, Lion by the Tail, The story of the Italian-Ethiopian War, by Thomas M. COFFEY. B EHAH
Price: $60.00
OPB 328
1976, Mussolini's Roman Empire, by Denis Mack SMITHS. B EHAH
Price: $70.00
MP 008
Atlas of the Gold Coast. 30 page atlas, full of maps, several city maps. Complete. Gold Coast Survey Dept, Accra 1949.Size 29 x 38 cm. B ANEH
Price: $500.00
MP 008
MP 008
MP 008
OPB 327
1972, The Emergent Continent, Africa in the 19th Century, Benn's world histories, by Eric HALLADAY. B AHEH
Price: $60.00
OPB 326
1971, Black and White in South Africa, The Politics of Survival, by G H Le MAY to Helen SUZMAN. B AHEH
Price: $40.00
OPB 322
1985, The Savage Wars, British Campaigns in Africa 1870-1920, by Lawrence JAMES. B AHEH
Price: $80.00
OPB 323
1986, The Great War in Africa (1914-1918), by Byron FARWELL. B AHEH
Price: $90.00
OPB 321
1971, Tanganyikan guerrilla, East African campaign 1914-1918, by Major J R Sibley. B AHEH
Price: $45.00
OPB 320
1979, The Boer War by Thomas PAKENHAM. B AHEH
Price: $30.00
OPB 319
1969, The Boer War by Christopher MARTIN, illustrated with photographs and maps. Only Yale, Columbia, Harvard and Northwestern hold this. B ANEH
Price: $40.00
OPB 315
Etiopia Ed Etiopi. La Storia – Il Paese – Le Genti. Cap. Arnaldo Rocchi. 1935. 137 pages. Only Harvard, Northwestern, Wisconsin and NYPL hold this B ANEH
Price: $90.00
OPB 310
Gli Eroi Della Guerra Imperiale. Con Graziani L’Africano. Number 5 in this series. Beautiful graphics. Only Yale, Brown and Northwestern hold this. B EHAN
Price: $80.00
OPB 301
Three years' war, Christiaan Rudolf de Wet. B AHEH
Price: $60.00
OPB 283OPB 283
Lumieres sur L’Afrique. Maison Provinciale des Peres du Saint-Esprit. 1948. Photo images of missionary work of the Spiritans in Africa. 66 pages. Not in worldcat. B ANEH
Price: $90.00
OPB 087
Native Life in South Africa . South African Railways and Harbours Administration. 1935. Dr. C.J. Uys. B AHEH
Price: $40.00
OPB 087
OPB 280OPB 280
A Vida Economica dos Bantos do Sudoeste de Angola. Subsidios Antropologicos 1. Junta Provincial de Povdamento de Angola. Carlos Estermann. 1971. Many photographic images. B AHEH
Price: $60.00
OPB 277
The Tribes of Northern Rhodesia, by M. V. Brelsford. Printed in Northern Rhodesia by the Government Printer, Lusaka, 1956. Contains a tribal and linguistic map at the back. B AHEH
Price: $90.00
OPB 277
OPB 264OPB 264
Settantasei Anni Di Dominazione Turca in Libia (1835 - 1911). Francesco Coro. Cover stains. 36 pages. Only Harvard, Northwestern and NYPL hold this B ANEH