Out of Print Books

Land Usage in BarotselandOPB 060



Land Usage in Barotseland. Rhodes-Livingstone Institute: By: David U Peters. Edited by N.W. Smyth. Dated: 1960. No 19. B EHAH

Price: $80.00

Kampf um AfrikaOPB 053



Kampf um Afrika: By: Arthur Berger. Dated: 1938. B EHAH

Price: $80.00

Notes on the Bisa TribeOPB 051



Historical Notes on the Bisa Tribe, Northern Rhodesia. Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, Lusaka: By: F. M. Thomas. Dated: 1958. No 8. B EHAH

Price: $80.00

Touring Club ItalianoOPB 049


Guida D'Italia del Touring Club Italiano. Possedimenti e Colonie (This is the rare, first ever complete colonial guide by the touring club): Dated. 1929. B EHAH

Price: $250.00

Guerra Nella Boscaglia Equatoriale OPB 047



Guerra Nella Boscaglia Equatoriale (1914-1918): By: Giuseppe Scortecci. Dated: 1933. B EHAH

Price: $140.00

Study in the Relativity of MoralsOPB 044



Good Out of Africa. A Study in the Relativity of Morals. Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, Livingstone: By: AT Culwick. Dated: 1943. No 8. B EHAH

Price: $80.00

Giro Del MondoOPB 043


 Giro Del Mondo - Ghana: By: Arnoldo Mondadoru. Dated: 1962. UNAVAILABLE

Price: $90.00

Ghana 1957OPB 042



Ghana 1957 - Published by Departmant of Information Services Ghana: By: Keith Jopp. Dated: 1957. B EHAH

Price: $80.00

Cameroun OPB 037



Du Cameroun Au Hoggar: By: M de Lyee de Belleau. Dated: 1945. B EHAH

Price: $90.00

Dicionarios Xironga-PortugueOPB 035



Dicionarios Xironga-Portugues e Portugues-Xironga: By: Jose Luis Quintao. Dated: 1951. B AHEH

Price: $150.00

Stanley Conqueror of a ContinenOPB 021



Bula Matari. Stanley Conqueror of a Continent: By: Jacob Wassermann. Dated: 1933. BB AHEH

Price: $90.00

Blindness in the KawambwaOPB 020



Blindness in the Kawambwa District, Northern Rhodesia. Rhodes-Livingstone Institute: By: C. M. Philips. Dated: 1959. No 15. B EHAH

Price: $80.00

A to Z guide of African writersOPB 019



Bibliografia das Literaturas Africanas de Expressao Portuguesa. An A to Z guide of African writers: By: Gerald Moser, Manuel Ferreira. Dated: 1980. B EH AH

Price: $100.00

History of GhanaOPB 006




 A History of Ghana: By: W.E.F Ward. Dated: 1958. 3rd edition. B EHAH

Price: $70.00

first anniversary of the founding of the empireOPB 072



L'Illustrazione Italiana. Primo Annuale Dell'Impero.This is a thick issue, commemorating the first anniversary of the founding of the empire: Dated: 1937. No 20. AHEN

Price: $180.00

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