World War 1 & 2

t-ww641WW 641


French anti-German WW1 postcards. Artwork by Gournay.

Price: $600.00

t-ww640WW 640



Complete set of 6 humor postcards Jung=Deutshland 1914.

Price: $200.00

t-ww639WW 639Large poster posted by the Germans announcing retaliation for the killing of a German soldier in Paris. 109x77cm. It reads:


On September 16, 1941, a cowardly assassination was once again committed against a German soldier. As a repression measure against this crime, the following hostages were shot:

1. PITARD, Georges, from Paris. civil servant, communist

2. HAJJE, Antoine, from Paris. civil servant, communist

3. ROLNIKAS, Michélis, (Jewish), from Paris. propagator of communist ideas

4. NAIN, Adrien, from Paris. author of communist leaflets

5. PEYRAT, Roger, from Paris. attack on German soldiers

6. MARCHAL, Victor de Paris. attack on German soldiers

7. ANJOLVY, René Lucien, from Paris-Gentilly. distributor of communist leaflets

8. HERPIN, François, de Paris-Malakoff. communist gang leader, sabotage.

9. GUIGNOIS, Pierre, from Ivry-sur-Seine, holder of communist leaflets, possession of weapons. 10. MASSET, Georges, of Paris. illegal possession of weapons.

11. LOUBIER, Daniel, from Paris. illegal possession of weapons.

12. PEUREUX, Maurice, from Paris-Montreuil. illegal possession of weapons.

I draw attention to the fact that, in the event of a repeat offense, a much larger number of hostages will be shot.

Paris, September 20, 1941

Der Militärbefehlshaber in Frankreich von STÜLPNAGEL

General of the Infantry.


Price: $800.00

mp597MP 597


French map titled Emplacement des Camps de Prisonniers de Guerre en Allemagne. Shows the locations of stalags (soldiers and NCO’s) and oflags (officers) for French army POW’s. The camps are ranked by size. Produced by the French Ministere des Prisonniers, Deportes et Refuges, it details the movement between camps as well.

Price: $800.00

mp595MP 595


Europe 1940. Cate Editee par Le Journal. Produced shortly after the fall of Poland but before the invasions of Western Europe, it shows the territories annexed by Germany (Austria, Czechoslovakia, Memel, Danzig, Poland), annexed by Russia (Poland), territory of Wilno ceded by Russia to Lithuania and the territory ceded to Russia by Finland. Country size, population and population density shown for each country. Some fold splits easily repaired. 100x120cm.

Price: $450.00

mp594MP 594mp594aMP 594

Italian Propaganda map produced in Rome in 1941 by Visceglia. It is titled I 50 Sbarchi in Gran Bretagna (50 disembarks on Great Britain). Sponsored by a number of Italian companies on the reverse, it was used for classroom education to show how vulnerable Great Britain has been to invasion over the last 2000+ years, and it challenges the notion that Great Britain is invulneralbe. Interesting in that the masthead shows an ancient Roman soldier and a modern day German soldier. 60x80cm.

Price: $400.00

t-ww638WW 638


French postcard commemorating the liberation of France.

Price: $70.00

t-ww635WW 635


World War 1 French humor postcard showing Japan performing jiu-jitsu on Germany.

Price: $80.00

t-ww636WW 636


Interesting WW1French postcard about the problem with cockroaches. The short term solution is to drink wine, the longer term solution is to be with your woman.

Price: $60.00

t-ww632WW 632


Rare Swiss postcard from 1914 stating “dear homeland, be calm, your sons are watching”.

Price: $80.00

t-ww633WW 633


Rare Dutch postcard making fun of Kaiser Wilhelm in exile in Holland. His son is calling him to send money.

Price: $80.00

t-ww634WW 634t-ww634aWW 634t-ww634a1WW 634

Collection of 27 World War 1 French patriotic fantasy postcards focussing on the drive to reoccupy Alsace-Lorraine. Most with writing on reverse.

Price: $1080.00

Note from Wikipedia: Alsace–Lorraine is a historical region and a former territory of the German Empire, located in modern day France. It was established in 1871 by the German Empire after it had won the region from France in the Franco-Prussian War with the Treaty of Frankfurt and forced France to pay an indemnity of five billion francs. Anger in the French Third Republic about the loss of the territory was one of the contributing factors that led to World War I. Alsace-Lorraine was reoccupied by France in 1920 as part of the Treaty of Versailles following Germany's defeat in the war, although it was annexed by France in 1918.

t-ww631WW 631


13 French postcards from World War 1 showing Kaiser Wilhelm as a monster. Some at the end of the war and indicate the hatred of the French and the vengeance which overshadowed the Treaty of Versailles, which in turn set the stage for World War 2.

Price: $1050.00

t-ww630WW 630Unusual Italian Social Republic propaganda using crystal ball spirituality and numerology to predict Hitler would win the war by drawing parallels in time to important events in Hitler’s and Napoleon’s life. First there is an explanation of fortune telling for the novice. It says “The True Sibyl. In each of us there is an intense desire to know the future. The methods for knowing today what will happen tomorrow are very ancient; the human spirit always invents new means to reveal the future. The new and old methods of these researches are set forth here in brief examples for the benefit of progress, for the instruction of youth, and for the benefit of all who wish to become seers. The seven of hearts is next to the two of diamonds of the jack and above the queen. You look younger than you are and you will have to suffer the consequences. The six of clubs above the six of diamonds next to the three of hearts means the imminent fulfillment of a dream that will come true with joy in 9 months. My warmest wishes.

Mars enters the seventh house and runs after Virgo. A sudden decision is imminent which in the Jupiter - Sun trine will bring an unexpected victory and will be a disappointment for those waiting. When Neptune reaches the square of Uranium, income will also increase.

A great unexpected love and a journey are coming. You don't like work and therefore you will find yourself in serious difficulty. Set yourself up for work with courage and then your worries will disappear. In the second year after this, a third begins from which you can expect many unexpected things.”

It then goes into numerology with “Calculations on the future. Prognosis of figures for comparative historical investigations carried out by English experts on American bases.” The final conclusion being “The American and English essays on Hitler's life and deeds are brilliant and appropriate. The final calculations, however, will be made by Hitler according to his approval.”

Price: $250.00

t-ww629WW 629

Italian Social Republic propaganda produced shortly after the capitulation. It says “The Homeland is in Danger! The government you have had up to now has betrayed Italy, it has capitulated unconditionally! The traitors will abandon Italy and hand you over without weapons to the Allies who hate the valiant Italian soldiers for the glorious battles carried out against them. Should the hard sacrifices you have undergone be in vain? Do you seriously believe that the Allies will bring you peace? Do you think they will suddenly become your friends? The new government will prevent you from becoming the victims of such sophisms and saves you from the misery of a people suppressed and impoverished for centuries, which must slowly die of hunger. The new government will prevent you from becoming the victims of such sophisms and save you from the misery of a people suppressed and impoverished for centuries, who must immediately die of hunger. The new government, supported by the impressive German Armed Forces and the majority of loyal troops, who are determined to fight and confident of victory, will change your destiny. He will end this war victoriously and give you a beneficial peace. Judge for yourselves: From a submission you have nothing to hope for except pain and misery, from a victory with the strong ally Germany you have everything to expect. Do you therefore want to cheat yourself of the fruits of victory and exclude yourself as traitors stigmatized by the European community? Drive away the traitors who want to bring about such an opprobrious end to your glorious history! Protect your women from the Negroes, Jews and other auxiliary peoples of the Allies! Have faith in the new government, help it actually, save your homeland! Carry out the orders of the new government, prevent any transgression! Otherwise you would do nothing but help your enemies. Anyone who helps traitors in any way is an enemy of the homeland and will be severely punished! Think about your future, save your homeland and the Italian people from ruin! help your country! Save Italy!”

Price: $250.00

t-ww628WW 628

Italian Social Republic propaganda designed to gather new recruits. It says “TO THE YOUNG BROTHERS OF THE CLASSES OF 1922 1925

Terror, the deportation of our children to Russia, the bombings do not make us retreat from the sacred duty of defending the homeland. Shame on the traitors who, with the help of hated foreigners, plunge our people into mourning. What would happen to the Italians if the war were to spread over the entire body of the homeland? Should dark forces, which can never tell you what your fate will be after the war, take advantage of this terrible tragedy? The war without forgiveness won. For seven months the Anglo-Americans have clashed in vain against the heroic fighting lines of the Germans.

Young Brothers!

The war has now truly become a purely Italian war. The most serious responsibility weighs on you, young people, in this dramatic moment. Be truly worthy Garibaldini!

Increase Garibaldi's detachments a hundredfold by enlisting in the new Italian army and chase the enemy from your land! Only then can the war be shortened! Only in this way will you defend the workers from hunger, preserve the farmers' fields, fight for the Resurrection of the Fatherland!

Young Brothers!

Italy will rise again. The new Italy will crush the Bolshevik serpent and will conquer independence and freedom with its own forces! Where there is sacrifice, blood and struggle, there is at the same time spring and renewal.

Young Sons of Italy!

Do you want to continue cowardly escaping into the woods for a long time? Do you really believe that the place of a true Italian is close to those enemies of the order who use you for their dark machinations? Do you also know how much money they get if they manage to sell your blood? Do you also know that for them you are just numbers, figures, after the loss they are coldly, cynically cancelled?

Do not join the ranks of Moscow's mercenary army!

The new Italy calls you for the decisive fight!

Your life, for the salvation of the country!

Long live the brothers of the classes of 1922-1925!”

Price: $250.00

t-ww627WW 627

Italian Social Republic propaganda aimed at rounding up stragglers and deserters. It says “STRAGLERS return to your homeland. At midnight on May 25th the deadline established for the presentation of gang members to the Italian and German military and police stations expires. By midnight on May 25th, stragglers who present themselves alone, handing over any weapons they may have in their possession, will not be subjected to criminal proceedings and no sanctions will be taken against them, in accordance with the provisions of the decree of April 18th. The groups of stragglers, whatever their number, will have to send a representative to the Italian and German military and police commands who will make arrangements for the presentation of the entire group and for the delivery of weapons. Even members of these groups will not be subjected to any criminal process or sanction. The stragglers and gang members will be able to present themselves at all Italian and German military and police posts. After midnight on May 25th, all those who show up will be considered illegal and will be shot in the back.”

Price: $280.00

t-ww626WW 626

Italian Social Republic propaganda produced very early in the regime (September 23, 1943). Warning against harsh measures for insurrection it says “In a locality in the province of Verona, young people cut military telephone cables; in another locality an Italian bourgeois stole some items of Italian military equipment, and in another locality some Italian bourgeois shot at a German column. In all three cases the perpetrators were arrested and jailed; the military law against them is already in operation; the most severe punishment will be applied and perhaps even the death sentence. The assets will be seized and the relatives forced into forced labor. This very severe measure by the German Command is necessary to protect German military interests. For everyone, this first case must serve as a warning. Anyone who carries out similar acts against German interests at the instigation of English agents or the traitorous government of Badoglio will bear the rigors of military law. Not only the authors but also their families will meet the same fate. All perpetrators are warned once and for all.”

Price: $250.00

t-ww625WW 625


Italian Social Republic propaganda designed to address the problem of Italian POW’s and forced laborers in Germany. This was the same problem the Vichy government faced in France. It shows on one side a letter written by an Italian worker in Germany. The reverse says “Have you carefully read this letter written by an Italian worker employed in Germany? Anyone who works in the Reich is well off and saves his family from poverty!”

Price: $290.00

t-ww624WW 624

Italian Social Republic propaganda warning that the Bolsheviks are stealing Italian children. It says “Behind the scenes! Pulcinella's Secret. Bolshevism also extends its rapacious hands towards Southern Italy.

Stalin orders that, for his communist education program, the armaments industry and his war plans, all male children aged 4 to 15 be brought to Russia.

The Anglo-Americans do not want to prevent it because they have no advantage in doing so, they cannot prevent it because the influence of Bolshevism on them is already too great. And so behind the faithful complicity of Badoglio's emissaries and the Italian communists this scandalous work is carried out, against all civilization and all human sense. After all, we already knew the same barbaric measures of the Bolsheviks from the Spanish civil war! Even then many Spanish children were torn from their mothers and dragged to Russia. Poor remains of ragged and starving children, reduced to an almost bestial state, were found here and there by German soldiers and returned to their families.

An incalculable number of Italian children have already been taken away under the indifferent eyes of the Anglo-Americans; in front of the rude faces of the Soviet commissars these children were taken and embarked into the unknown.

Italian Mother! This is the future that is being prepared for our children!”

Price: $250.00

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