World War 1 & 2

t-ww742WW 742


4 postcards of Belgian stretcher bearers in WW1. AH

Price: $100.00

t-ww741WW 741


Childrens coloring cards produced by Fim - Turin company Augusto Bo. They produced inks and pencils, mainly for schools. It was a 12 card series titled Axis Weapons, describing both Italian and German military units. Cards 3, 8, 10, 11, 12. Quite rare.

Price: $400.00

t-ww740WW 740

5/6 postcards by Aurelio Bertiglia on Italy in WW2. AH

Price: $250.00

Note: Aurelio Bertiglia was born in Turin, 23 June 1891. He was an illustrator, commercial artist, caricaturist, graphic designer (musical scores, commercial and publicity graphics), fashion designer and painter. Mainly self-taught, from the age of fourteen he was very active in producing postcards and he also worked for German publishers. Postcards: several series of children, several series of little women and during 1915 - 1918 several anti-Austrian caricatures. What is interesting is that in World War 1 he did anti-German art and then reversed in World War 2.

t-ww739WW 739


Eight clandestine leaflets distributed by the French Resistance. They focus on a range of issues such as French workers working in French factories for the Germans, monetary devaluation, a French judge who condemned a French patriot and more. SOLD

Price: $800.00

t-ww738WW 738


Four Social Republic broadsides attacking the King and Marshal Badoglio and praising Mussolini. Also a reward for anyone that delivers an English or American prisoner.

Price: $400.00

t-ww737WW 737


1944 German poster warning the French population of the consequences of supporting the Resistance Movement. Professionally restored. 56x76cm.

Price: $1000.00

t-ww736WW 736


North African POW’s in WW1.

Price: $30.00

t-ww735WW 735


5 postcards of German POW’s in WW1.

Price: $150.00

t-ww734WW 734

19 issues of Combats, a french weekly newspaper that was the official organ of the " Milice française". It ran for 66 issues, from May 8, 1943 – August 10, 1944. Tthe editor-in-chief was the Militian Henri Charbonneau, also knew as Porthos. The " Milice française" was a French political and paramilitary organization created on January 30, 1943 by the Vichy regime. As auxiliaries of the Gestapo and other German forces, the Milice took part in the hunt for Jews, "STO refractaires" and resistance fghters. The Milice was thus both a political police force and a force for maintaining order. The official head of the Militia was Pierre Laval, head of government, but the real person responsible for its operations was its secretary general, Joseph Darnand, a Waffen-SS officer who founded the Service d'ordre légionnaire (SOL) in 1941, the precursor of the French Milice. The Milice wanted to be a revolutionary movement, at the same time anti-republican, anti-Semitic, anti-communist, against international capitalism, for corporatism, nationalist and authoritarianism. Combats is one of the rarer and most radicalist newspapers of the collaboration. No US institution holds this.SOLD

Price: $6000.00

t-ww733WW 733


28 issues of Au Pilori. Hebdomadare de Combat Contre La Judeo-Maconnerie. Published from July 1, 1940 to August 16, 1944. 209 issues. Anti-semitic and, suprisingling, anti-Vichy, as the creator, Henry-Robert Petit considered the regime too lenient on jews. The newspaper was subsidized by the German government.

Price: $5000.00

t-ww732WW 732


7 issues of Los Dramas de la Guerra.

Price: $700.00

t-ww731WW 731


30 issue of l'humanite organe central du parti communiste francais, dated 1942-1944. SOLD

Price: $1990.00

t-ww730WW 730


Rare publication MON LIVRE ROUGE, published in France shortly after Russia and Germany signed their non-aggression pact. Artwork by Roland Coudon. SOLD

Price: $90.00

t-ww729WW 729

Fascinating propaganda leaflet dropped over the German 65th Division, fighting in Italy. It is partially burned. The message is: Why did Hitler die? LIVE for Germany's future and reconstruction! The backside reads: The war is coming to an end. The immense Russian superiority is breaking over Germany from the east, and the West Wall is shaking under the blows of the Allies. You fought bravely against an overwhelming enemy force. Further resistance would be madness. Now it is time to think about your personal future and the future of the fatherland. Do not expose yourselves to the dangers of our next offensive! Hold up this piece of paper and come to our lines unarmed, or you will be caught by our reconnaissance and assault troops! One leaflet is enough for several people. You are assured of good treatment and good food. Our outposts are waiting for you!

What is fascinating about this is that it was issued upon Hitlers death. The 65th division officially surrendered late April, but clearly there must have been continued fighting. The 65th division fought in all the major battles in Italy before surrendering on the banks of the Po River.

Price: $90.00

t-ww728WW 728


Images Anglaises ou “L’Angleterre Occupee”, by Jean Oberle.

Price: $90.00

t-ww726WW 726


La Cinquieme Colonne la Voici!. SOLD

Price: $250.00

t-ww725WW 725


La SS T’Appelle? 1942. SOLD

Price: $220.00

t-ww724WW 724


Le Debarquement dans le Sud de la France, 15 Aout – 15 Septembre 1944. SOLD

Price: $250.00

t-ww723WW 723


Italian WW1 propaganda postcards showing Japan devouring Germany.

Price: $60.00

t-ww722WW 722


11 Italian and French WW1 propaganda postcards.

Price: $660.00

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