Ottoman Balkans and Greece

t-otba033OTBA 033


Three vintage postcards of Jews of Salonica. B

Price: $90.00

t-otba032OTBA 032t-otba032aOTBA 032


Collection of 33 postcards of ethnic Turks in Macedonia and Salonica before and during World War 1. B

Price: $800.00

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t-otba031OTBA 031t-otba031aOTBA 031


Two views of Sarajevo pre-World War 1. B

Price: $50.00

t-otba030OTBA 030


Four vintage postcards of Greek islands when they were under the control of Turkey or Italy. Shown are Mitylene Island, Coo, Leskovici and Kos. B

Price: $140.00

t-otba029OTBA 029


Postcard of Crete stamped by the Distaccamento Militare Italiano. B

Price: $40.00

t-otba028OTBA 028


Two vintage postcards published by Italian catholic missions in Albania and Montenegro. B

Price: $50.00

tre014TRE 014 Vintage Russian print formerly housed at the Bibliotheque Militaire entitled 'Information from Constantinople - Taking Plevna'. (43,5 x 50), repair on back. M

Price: $400.00

tre013TRE 013 Vintage Russian print formerly housed at the Bibliotheque Militaire entitled 'Announcing the fall of Edirne to the Sultan'. (43,5 x 48), repair on back. M

Price: $400.00

t-otba023OTBA 023

GREEK POSTER OF THE BATTLE OF DOMOKOS, MAY 17, 1897. Size: 40 x 61 cm. M

Price: $800.00

Note: Officially, war between Greece and Turkey (the first time they had fought each other since the War of Independence in 1821) was declared on April 18. Heavy battles occurred between April 21-22 outside the town of Tyrnavos and Larissa fell on April 27, while the Greek front was reorganized behind the strategic lines of Velestino, in Farsala. On May 5, three Ottoman divisions attacked Farsala forcing an orderly withdrawal of Greek forces to Domokos. At Domokos, the Greeks assembled 40,000 men in a strong defensive position, joined by about 2,000 Italian "Red Shirts" volunteers under the command of Ricciotti Garibaldi, son of the famous General Garibaldi. The Turks had a total of about 70,000 troops, of whom about 45,000 were directly engaged in the battle. On May 16, the attackers sent part of their army around the flank of the Greeks to cut off their line of retreat but it failed to arrive in time. The next day the rest of their army made a frontal assault. The Turks were held at bay by the fire of the defending infantry until their left flank defeated the Greek right. The Ottoman formation broke through forcing a renewed withdrawal. Antonio Fratti, an Italian parliamentarian, died in the fighting. The Greeks were ordered to stand their ground at Thermopylae but on May 20 a ceasefire came into effect. The Ottoman Empire defeated Greece but lost Crete due to international pressure. Greece was forced to cede minor border areas and to pay heavy reparations. In order to pay the latter, the Greek economy came under international supervision. The forced armistice was a humiliation for the Greeks, highlighting the unpreparedness of the country to fulfill its national aspirations of uniting Greeks under Ottoman rule (Megali Idea). This awareness laid the seeds for the revolution of 1909 which called for immediate reforms in the army, economy and society. Eventually, Eleftherios Venizelos would come to power and as a leader of the Liberal party, he would instigate a wide range of reforms which would transform the Greek state leading it to the victorious Balkan Wars four years later. This is the only battle I am aware of where Garibaldi Red Shirts fought alongside the Greeks. I thought you might be interested because it combines your Turkish, Greek and Italian interest, in regards to Turkish history. This print is NOT held within the Getty Museum.

t-epm189EPM 189


1938 stamped postcard of the Palazzo del Governo in Rodi (Rhodes). m

Price: $30.00

t-trp003TRP 003 Official Bulgarian Contingent to the funeral of Kemal Ataturk, 1938. Show different honor guards, the funeral, etc. 40 photos. Complete. m

Price: $700.00

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Complete set of 25 Spanish chromos entitled Guerra de Oriente. Part 1. It relates to the 1912 Balkan War. Rare. M dh

Price: $900.00

t-otba017OTBA 017 Collection of 6 vintage postcards of Turkish Rhodes.  ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

Price: $120.00

t-otba017aOTBA 017

t-otba014OTBA 014t-otba014aOTBA 014


Collection of 12 Spanish chocolate cards on Greece in World War 1. Described on back. B dh

Price: $240.00

t-otba013OTBA 013


World War 1 press photo of ‘communication lines’ in Montenegro. Size 22x16.5cm. B

Price: $25.00

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