Vichy/ Free France and Lead up

t-vif065VIF 065t-vif065aVIF 065


Two issues of Voix Francaises Familiales. April and October 1944. M

Price: $250.00

t-vif062VIF 062t-vif062aVIF 062


Carte de Jardinage. It is a permission to have a garden. The coupons are for rations of coal. Petain encouraged the public to use what land they had around their home as a garden. M

Price: $120.00

t-vif061VIF 061t-vif061aVIF 061


Issue number 1, December 1941 of Atalante. Revue D’Art et de Culture. M

Price: $120.00

t-vif061bVIF 061 t-vif061cVIF 061 t-vif061dVIF 061 t-vif061eVIF 061

t-vif060VIF 060


An 8 page summary of the Economic, Political and Social situation of the country for 1942. The larger report is 48 pages. These are the summary pages. M

Price: $150.00

t-vif059VIF 059


Vichy 4 page bulletin L’Effort Social, dated November-December 1943. M

Price: $120.00

t-vif058VIF 058 t-vif058aVIF 058 t-vif058bVIF 058

Three information bulletins of the Education Generale & Sports by the Commissariat General. Reports range from 4-6 pages each and cover the period July to September, 1942. M

Price: $270.00

t-vif057VIF 057t-vif057aVIF 057


Vichy Bulletin, January 1942 Le Legionnaire du Rouet. It gives an update on events to the Legionnaires. M

Price: $120.00

t-vif056VIF 056


A three page communication from Vichy headquarters to the heads of the Army and Navy. Wearing at top of manuscript but not affecting text. 

Price: $190.00

t-vif055VIF 055t-vif055aVIF 055

A 64 page review of Education Generale et Sports. It is the official revue by the Commissariat General aux Sports for May 1942. M

Price: $250.00

t-vif053VIF 053t-vif053aVIF 053

Interesting publication of a high school for art and its curriculum for January-March 1941. What is interesting is that it is devoted to what the school is doing to develop the skills of painters, sculptors, writers and architects in the POW camps. M

Price: $290.00

t-vif053bVIF 053 t-vif053cVIF 053 t-vif053dVIF 053 t-vif053eVIF 053

t-vif052VIF 052


A 4 page communication from the Ministry of Agriculture and Secretary for Youth Education to teachers to undertake celebrations for the 300 anniversary of the death of Baron Sully. December 22, 1941. M

Price: $90.00

t-vif051VIF 051


An 8 page communication from the Secours National titled Reglements Administratifs des Cuisines D’entr’aide Gerees par le Secours National. Dated April 1, 1942. M

Price: $90.00

t-vif050VIF 050


Original typed message from the Pope to the French people at the beginning of the war to have hope in Christ. M

Price: $90.00

t-vif049VIF 049


Instruction to police relating to emergency civil procedures, Arras, June 29, 1944. Cribbed notes in margin. M

Price: $30.00

t-vif043VIF 043t-vif043aVIF 043


Complete edition of La Politique Franciase, No. 3, December 1943. Tear on cover page. m

Price: $120.00

t-vif040VIF 040


February 20, 1941 lengthy telegram for the Minister of Foreign Affairs. M

Price: $90.00

t-vif039VIF 039 t-vif039aVIF 039 t-vif039bVIF 039 t-vif039cVIF 039

Vichy correspondence on military matters, March – June 1942. Three documents. m

Price: $220.00

t-vif038VIF 038


Original and complete 47 page typed manuscript of a military tribunal hearing at Clermont-Ferrand of the case concerning Captain Vienot who deserted his post at the time of war. The hearing was on December 6, 1940. M

Price: $320.00

t-vif036VIF 036t-vif036aVIF 036


Vichy broadside titled L’escroquerie au patriotism!. MM

Price: $90.00

t-vif012VIF 012t-vif012aVIF 012


Communication from Petain on Mothers Day, May 31, 1942. m

Price: $120.00

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