Vichy/ Free France and Lead up

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Vichy poster extolling the virtues of French women. Size 40x60cm.

Price: $600.00

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Propaganda poster showing the destruction caused by allied bombing. Size 79x104cm.

Price: $1200.00

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Propaganda poster glorifying Marshall Petain. This shows the meeting of General Pershing and Petain in 1931, celebrating 150th anniversary at the battle of Yorktown, the victory of which was achieved with the help of the French navy. B

Price: $90.00

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Propaganda poster glorifying Marshall Petain in 1940. Titled Donation to the Fatherland, it carefully explains how he saved France from further destruction by the Germans. It says, “since the victory, the spirit of enjoyment has prevailed over the spirit of sacrifice. we have claimed more than we have served. We wanted to save the effort, today we encounter misfortune. I give France the gift of my person, to alleviate its misfortune. I would not be worthy to remain at your head, if I had agreed to shed French blood to prolong the dream of a few French people ill-educated about the conditions of the struggle. I did not want to place my person or my hope outside the soil of France”. Published during the Vichy Regime in 1942. Size 37x47cm. M

Price: $90.00

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French booklet Pour Comprendre Les Prisonniers, 1943. Not sure if this is a booklet for priests or for the families of French POW’s. B

Price: $110.00

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Vichy periodical France Revue de l’Etat Nouveau. January 1944. M

Price: $110.00

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Roosevelt le Responsible, by Georges Du Breuil, Marseille, 1942. The author attacks Roosevelt claiming that France is none of his business. M

Price: $90.00

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Anti-British Vichy poster La Triste Histoire de Winston Churchill. M ah

Price: $200.00

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Sheet music. Marechal, Nous Voila. 1941. m

Price: $90.00

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Propaganda leaflet, Mon Allie Staline. m

Price: $90.00

Propaganda leaflet, 25 Ans de Bolchevisme. m

Price: $190.00

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Propaganda leaflet, Oui! Londres dit la Verite!. m

Price: $190.00

Propaganda leaflet, Mise Au Point. m

Price: $250.00

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Propaganda leaflet, bilan de 3 ans!. m

Price: $250.00

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French leaflet Cocu Battu Content c’est…. m

Price: $120.00

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Pro-German and anti-semitic Vichy French broadside. m

Price: $200.00

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Anti-English Vichy propaganda titled Les Buits et Propheties. It shows the propaganda from the English and the reality. m

Price: $120.00

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French anti-semitic publication Un Bon Francais….Rare. m

Price: $450.00

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 Collection of ration books issued in France from 1946-1949. M ah

Price: $450.00

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Vichy France poster commemorating Mothers Day. Size 77 x 114. Repaired. m

Price: $700.00

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