Middle East

mp525MP 525



Nuovissima planta Della Citta di Tripoli. Printed in 1934. Consulate il Catalogo delle Opere Coloniale “CACOPARDO”. Scale 1:15,000. 59x45cm. Much detail.

Price: $300.00

mp517MP 517Tayyare Merakizini Gösterir. Şimal-i Afrika: ...[1922'de] Takriben 225 bin yolcu nakil edilmiştir. Çalışan tayyare miktarı da tahminen 1000... Almanya: 1922'de, 7730 yolcu ve 65370 kilo mektup ve posta paketi nakil edilmiştir… Fransa: 1922'de 14397 yolcu 52962 ton emtia ve 41173 kilo posta nakil edilmiştir. “Shows Aircraft Centers. North Africa: ...[in 1922] Approximately 225 thousand passengers were transported. The number of aircraft working is estimated at 1000. Germany: In 1922, 7730 passengers and 65370 kilos of letters and postal parcels were transported. France: In 1922, 14397 passengers, 52962 tons of commodities and 41173 kilos of mail were transported.”Size: 40x19cm. M

Price: $220.00

mp516MP 516mp516aMP 516


İstanbul Civarı, Kağıthane ve Ali Bey Vadilerinin Harita-i İstikşafiyesidir / Erkan-ı Harbiye Komisyonu (Fehmi Bey) tarafından yapılmıştır. “It is the Map-i İstikşafiye (exploratory) (of the Kagithane and Ali Bey Valleys around Istanbul / It was made by the Erkan-ı Harbiye Commission (Fehmi Bey).”c1925. Size: 57x82cm. M

Price: $800.00

mp506MP 506



Elazig Orman Basmudurlugu. (Elazig Forest District). Size: 200x98cm. Gives detail on forest type and density. C1950. Cloth backed. B

Price: $500.00

mp505MP 505


G. Freytags Karte des Turkischen Kriegsschauplatzes. Scale 1: 3000000. Size: 65x100cm. Repaired with acid-free tape. M

Price: $500.00

mp504MP 504


Karte vom Turkischen Kriegsschauplatz. Map of the (World War 1) Turkish Theatre of War. Shows main battles, with insets of Arabia and the Dardanelles. Appears to be a childs game with small flags in the margins representing each country fighting, which you would cut out and place on the map as the war evolved. Size: 54x81cm. Repaired with acid-free tape. Rare.B

Price: $1200.00

mp503MP 503



Philips’ Map of the Seat of War. Map of the Frontier Provinces of Turkey, Russia & Austria, The Black Sea, &c. Liverpool: George Philip and Son, 1854. 55x70cm. Repaired. B

Price: $490.00

mp502MP 502



A New Map of Ancient Greece, Thrace, Moesia, Illyricum and the Isles adjoining. Dedicated to his Highness William Duke of Glocester. Size: 45x54cm. B SOLD

Price: $450.00

mp501MP 501



Partie Orientale de la Carte des Anciennes Monarchies. Size: 56x75cm. B

Price: $600.00

mp500MP 500


A Sketch Map of Part of North Western Arabia an Negd, by Charles M. Doughty. Travels, Nov. 1876 to Aug. 1878 in Arabia: May & June 1875 in the Peraea (Presented to R.G.S. September 1883). Scale 32 english miles to 1 inch. Size: 68x50cm. Much explanatory text. M

Price: $800.00

mp499MP 499


1958 tourism map of Syria. Carte dessinee par N. Partamian, Aleppo, 1958. Nice motifs in margins. Shows different classes of road and footpaths, piplines, railroads, antiquity sites, airports. Size: 36x52cm. M

Price: $180.00

mp498MP 498


Map showing the formation of the various Kingdoms governing Palestine in the Middle Ages: Formation Territoriale du Royauame de Jerusalem, Seigneurie D’Outre-Jordain, Formation Territorale du Comte de Tripoli, Principaute d’Antioche, Le Comte d’Edesse. Edmond Paillard, cartographe. Size: 45x55cm. Repaired. B

Price: $150.00

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