Middle East
Anadolu İlm-i Arz Haritası, 1/500.000 ölçekli. 70x90cm. Ülkemizde bulunan petrol, linyit, demir, çinko, kurşun, altın, kömür, krom, bakır, kükürt, kayatuzu vb. maden yataklarıyla, çeşitli coğrafik şartlarıyla oluşan yüzey şekillerini renklerle belirten jeolojik harita. B
Price: $1200.00
"En Son Teşkilata Havi - According /Consisting/depicting the latest administration Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Atlasi" Turkish Republic Atlas.
"""The latest atlas of Turkish Republic which covers the Survey, population, administration, [(ownership)- Civil Service . "Mülkiye" in Turkish], budget, import and export, economic, agricultural, commercial , industrial, commercial fleet and trains, education together with the info of population, surveys and commercials of cities,""" MAP 0581928 Published by "Turk Nesriyat Yurdu" Istanbul.
Please note that these 1928 books are rare since the script was changed in 1928. This is the last published Turkish arabic script atlas. Rare. B
Price: $600.00