Middle East

mp453MP 453mp453aMP 453


Map of Cairo Showing Mohammedan Monuments. In 2 sheets, complete. Printed and published by the Survey of Egypt 1950. Scale 1: 5000. Total size: 80 x 108cm. B

Price: $800.00

mp326MP 326mp326aMP 326

Anadolu İlm-i Arz Haritası, 1/500.000 ölçekli. 70x90cm. Ülkemizde bulunan petrol, linyit, demir, çinko, kurşun, altın, kömür, krom, bakır, kükürt, kayatuzu vb. maden yataklarıyla, çeşitli coğrafik şartlarıyla oluşan yüzey şekillerini renklerle belirten jeolojik harita. B

Price: $1200.00

mp050MP 050mp050aMP 050


Asia Minor in suas partes seu provincias divisa. Robert Vaugondy 1756. Size 53 x 70cm. B

Price: $500.00

Turkish Empire in EuropeMAP465


Imperium Turcicum in Europa, Asia et Africa Regiones. The Turkish Empire in Europe, Asia and Africa Region. By Babtist Homan Circa 1700. Size: 61 x 53 cm B


Price: $550.00



THRACIAE VETERIS TYPVS. Latin Map of Thrace, from the Black Sea to the Aegean.

By Ortelius Circa 1620. Size 57 x 47 cm B


Price: $500.00

Mideast at time of WW2MAP 047Mideast at time of WW2MAP 047



Middle and Near East. Mideast at time of WW2. Detail on caravan routes, etc. Published by: Bartholomews General World Series. (UK) Dated Circa 1940. Size: 100 x 77 cm. Scale: 1:4000000. B

Price: $190.00

Ottoman script atlasMAP 044Ottoman script atlasMAP 044



Mehtepilere Cumhuriyet Atlas. Ottoman World Atlas. Complete Ottoman script atlas, 16 pages, colourful and funky. Booklet Size: 16 x 23 cm. Dated: 1928. MBBB

Price: $250.00

mp241MP 241mp241aMP 241

Quadro Della Conflagrazione Mondiale. Edizione dell’Unione Generale Insegnanti Italiani. 1918. An interesting map if you look at Egypt and Turkish ‘colonies’ during the war. Manchuria shown as a separate country as well. Size 34x49cm.  UNAVAILABLE


Price: $290.00

contiental maps in Ottoman scriptMAP 059contiental maps in Ottoman scriptMAP 059



Continental maps. Set of 3 contiental maps in Ottoman script, all in jackets. South America, Europe and Asia. Good for display purposes. Dated: 1926. Size: 50 x 70 cm. M

Price: $1200.00

Atlas in old ottoman scriptMAP 058t-map058bMAP 058

"En Son Teşkilata Havi - According /Consisting/depicting the latest administration Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Atlasi" Turkish Republic Atlas.

"""The latest atlas of Turkish Republic which covers the Survey, population, administration, [(ownership)- Civil Service . "Mülkiye" in Turkish], budget, import and export, economic, agricultural, commercial , industrial, commercial fleet and trains, education together with the info of population, surveys and commercials of cities,""" t-map058cMAP 0581928 Published by "Turk Nesriyat Yurdu" Istanbul.

Please note that these 1928 books are rare since the script was changed in 1928. This is the last published Turkish arabic script atlas. Rare. B

Price: $600.00

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