Prints and Ephemera

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Destruction of an Army. The First Campaign in Libya, Sept. 1940 – Feb. 1941. Issued by the War Office by the Ministry of Information. London. 1941, 64 pages. B

Price: $90.00

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A childs letter from Libya, not dated. Shows a Libyan wife bidding farewell to her Eritrean husband. M

Price: $90.00

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1912 publication in Tripoli showing the Muslim and Jewish calendar for that year. B

Price: $80.00

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4 Italian colonial period cigarette cards on Libya. B

Price: $120.00

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US Navy Victories gum card issued by Bowman Gum in 1954. Titled “To the Shores of Tripoli” it shows Lt. Decatur leaping onto the deck of an enemy gunboat in the port of Tripoli. B

Price: $20.00

t-iea-p-eph295IEA-P-EPH 295Telegram sent from the Governor of Libya, Italo Balbo and received in Rome by the Ministry of Colonies. Marked URGENT it is a request from Balbo to take over military command in Libya. It reads: H.E. Chief Government Minister Colonies. While awaiting the possible establishment of the North African Superior Command, to define dependence and responsibility, I believe it is necessary to come to this Government constitution Military Office as my direct dependence. In this way, all large metropolitan and indigenous units existing in Libya will report to this government. Western Libya and Eastern Libya commands, exercised respectively by Commanders of the Libya Division and the Eritrean Division, will have territorial military jurisdiction especially for Tripolitania and Cyrenaica. Besides these indigenous divisions, all colonial troops located on their territory will depend on them. Nothing changed for Military Command southern territories. Please telegraph your approval. M

Price: $120.00

Note: Italo Balbo (1896 - 1940) was an Italian Blackshirt leader who served as Italy's Marshal of the Air Force, Governor-General of Libya, Commander-in-Chief of Italian North Africa, and the "heir apparent" to Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. After serving in World War I, Balbo became the leading Fascist organizer in his home region of Ferrara. He was one of the four principal architects of the March on Rome that brought Mussolini and the Fascists to power in 1922, along with Michele Bianchi, Emilio De Bono and Cesare Maria De Vecchi. In 1926, he began the task of building the Italian Royal Air Force and took a leading role in popularizing aviation in Italy, and promoting Italian aviation to the world. In 1933, perhaps to relieve tensions surrounding him in Italy, he was given the government of Italian Libya, where he resided for the remainder of his life. Balbo, hostile to anti-semitism, was the only leading Fascist to oppose Mussolini's alliance with Nazi Germany. Early in World War II, he was accidentally killed by friendly fire when his plane was shot down over Tobruk by Italian anti-aircraft guns who misidentified his plane.

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1937 Libyan tourist identity card. m

Price: $90.00

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Interesting sheet music Ai Nostri Valorosi inno di Gloria. Also includes a biography of each of the 37 soldiers on the cover. M

Price: $150.00

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Diary of an Italian officer named Tullio Antoneli while fighting in Libya. It covers the period July 9. 1912 – September 9, 1912. Rich content. m SOLD

Price: $700.00

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An 11 page manuscript, dated 1891, describing the city of Bengazi. Signed as Mustafa. M 

Price: $350.00

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