IEA-P-EPH 125A small archive of Italian correspondence in Libya between 1940-1942. Interesting in that it covers the period between the time that Italy entered the war and lost Libya. 37 pieces in total. Much of it from the Governors Office, municipalites, military, some marked SECRET. Included is a document translated into Italian from arabic. It is from the Kadi of Zuara to the Italian Military Commissioner concerning a request by a Libyan soldier to use the minaret of the local mosque, and reads:
IEA-P-EPH 125Arabic translation Mr. Commissioner
I submit to that while I was in my office has presented an officer with the rank of Major accompanied by Brahim well Sciaban and asked me the following question: According to the law Scriaraitico is allowed to use the minaret of the mosque, by the national military - for use of guard - or if that is not possible to put the Libyan military and that the response must be given to crypto and have it ready for 15 hours of that day.
IEA-P-EPH 125Around 15 hours of the same day he came to me a captain accompanied by a Libyan military that served as interpeter and gave me the following request.
Major sends you to ask for the answer about the issue that you talked about this morning.
I said to the Captain: I am a civil servant and dependent on a superior who is Mr.
Commissioner, so I can not give any answer without his order.
Following this, I was told by the interpeter 'you're right'.
To inform you of what happened I send you this letter.
Zuara, December 5, 1941
CADI OF THE Zuara Ahmed el Baruni. M
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