Prints and Ephemera

t-iea-p-eph125IEA-P-EPH 125A small archive of Italian correspondence in Libya between 1940-1942. Interesting in that it covers the period between the time that Italy entered the war and lost Libya. 37 pieces in total. Much of it from the Governors Office, municipalites, military, some marked SECRET. Included is a document translated into Italian from arabic. It is from the Kadi of Zuara to the Italian Military Commissioner concerning a request by a Libyan soldier to use the minaret of the local mosque, and reads:

t-iea-p-eph125aIEA-P-EPH 125Arabic translation Mr. Commissioner


I submit to that while I was in my office has presented an officer with the rank of Major accompanied by Brahim well Sciaban and asked me the following question: According to the law Scriaraitico is allowed to use the minaret of the mosque, by the national military - for use of guard - or if that is not possible to put the Libyan military and that the response must be given to crypto and have it ready for 15 hours of that day.

t-iea-p-eph125aIEA-P-EPH 125Around 15 hours of the same day he came to me a captain accompanied by a Libyan military that served as interpeter and gave me the following request.

Major sends you to ask for the answer about the issue that you talked about this morning.

I said to the Captain: I am a civil servant and dependent on a superior who is Mr.

Commissioner, so I can not give any answer without his order.

Following this, I was told by the interpeter 'you're right'.

To inform you of what happened I send you this letter.

Zuara, December 5, 1941

CADI OF THE Zuara Ahmed el Baruni. M

Price: $250.00

t-peh222PEH 222


A 16 page document prepared by General Graziani on the Giofra offensive July-November, 1928. Much detail on situation and events of Giofra, establishment of mobile units, the political situation in Giofra and neighboring regions, view of the military character Giofra in the summer of 1928, clashes that took place in the summer of 1928, initial movements of the group moblie Giofra in the defensive triangle Hon - Zella – Tagrift, Italian losses and those of the opponent, considerations of the battle of Bir El AFIE, and more. Also includes two military maps at back. Fragile. M

Price: $190.00

t-peh222aPEH 222 t-peh222bPEH 222 t-peh222cPEH 222
t-iea-p-eph119IEA-P-EPH 119 Correspondence from the Governors Office in Tripoli, dated 1914. B

Price: $40.00

t-iea-p-eph118IEA-P-EPH 118

Discharge papers for an Italian soldier in Libya, January 21, 1942. B

                                                                                                               Price: $100.00

t-iea-p-eph116IEA-P-EPH 116 Letter from General Taranto to the Telegraph Station In Garian, thanking them for their service. Tripoli, May 24, 1924. M

Price: $30.00

diploma completed course in Colonial Cultureiea-p-eph 054


Diploma from the Istituto Coloniale Fascista to a lieutenant who just completed a course in Colonial Culture. It is dated 1928 and signed by the President of the Institute, Ministers of War, Economy and Colonies. It includes the actual pin that the soldier received upon graduation. Beautiful masthead. M  ASK FOR AVAILABILITY

Price: $250.00

Autographed Souvenir from First Italian Landings at Tobruk, December 1911MH 042

Military Souvenir from First Italian Landings at Tobruk, December 1911.  
Autographed "miniature" flag dated ‘Natale’ 1911, with a number of signatures of soldiers.  The Italian army began landing on December 4, 1911.  Shortly after that, Mustafa Kemal attacked and defeated the Italians at the Battle of Tobruk, December 22.  This souvenir dates three days later. MM

Price: $150.00

Libyan Colonial DocumentMH 037



Colonial document from Libya - 1918. M

Price: $80.00

invitation from the Governor of Libya, BalboMH 028

An invitation from the Governor of Libya, Balbo, to attend a luncheon with him.  Sent by his secretary Gavononis, 1936. B

Price: $50.00

recommendations for medals for 25 soldiers Libyan campaign, 1929-1930MH 002


Sealed recommendation for the gold medal and medal of honour to 25 soldiers for performance in the Libyan campaign, 1929-1930. These are the two highest awards possible. Important in that it is signed by Italo Bilbo, then Governor General of the Air Force, and died in Libya when he was Supreme Commander of Italian Forces there. m

Price: $590.00

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