Servet-i Fünun, "Date 1st September 1908, Date 9th September 1908, Date 22th March 1909, Date 21st May 1925". 2464 issues pressed between 1891-1944, literary magazine, weekly, Ottoman Turkish-Turkish, Istanbul. B
Price: $120.00
TRO 057
TRO 057
TRO 057
TRO 056
Sebilürreşad, Nr. 84 (2nd Era), "1st Era - 1906-1925, 641 issues pressed. 2nd Era - 1948-1954, 175 issues pressed, political-Islamist magazine, fortnightly, Turkish, Istanbul ". B
Price: $40.00
TRO 055
Ehli Sünnet, Nr. 120. 140 issues pressed between 1947-1953, political-Islamist magazine, weekly, Turkish, Istanbul. B
Price: $35.00
TRO 047
Childrens handworks notebook, Mebde-I Sanat yahud El Isleri Defteri. Kagit Yirtmak. 1914. Size 20x20cm. M
Price: $450.00
TRO 045
Matbaa-I Ahmed Ihsan ve Surekasi, Dahiliye Nezareti Muhacirin Mudiriyet-I Umumiyesi Nesriyati. 1921. Two volumes in one. Photos of tortured Turks in the Greek War. B
Price: $300.00
TRO 043TRO 043TRO 043
Complete run of 27 issues of Harb Mecmuasi. Issues 13-27 are bound. Rare. B
Price: $1500.00
TRO 042
Complete issue of Servet-I Funun, dated July 29, 1893. It was a literal, technical and commercial Ottoman newspaper. The cover shows the opening of an exhibition on a Chicago street. B
Price: $50.00
MP 351
Far East map of Japan, Korea and Manchuria. Not dated but late 19th or early 20th century. Aksay-I Sark Darul Harekat. Published by Tuccarzade Ibrahim Hilmi Matbaasi. Was the property of the Librairir Militaire Islam. Cloth backed. Size: 56x80cm. B