Complete run of 90 issues of Aydede in Ottoman script. B
Price: $2500.00
TRO 037
TRO 037
TRO 037
TRO 037
TRO 033TRO 033
RESIMLI PERSHEMBA (Turkiyenin en Mukemmel Mecmuasidir). Published 1925-1928 by Nebizade Hamdi Behced in Istanbul. 199 issues published in 4 volumes. Have volume 2, issues 53-104. (Note: I can find more of this over time). B
Price: $2300.00
TRO 033
TRO 033
TRO 033
TRO 033
TRO 031
HALKA DOGRU. Published 1913-1914 by Turk Yurdu, Celal Sahir in Istanbul. 52 issues in total. Complete. B
Price: $3200.00
TRO 031
TRO 031
TRO 031
TRO 031
TRO 029TRO 029
GUNES (Sanat ve Edebiyat Mecmuasi). Published 1927-1927 (2nd period) by Orhan Seyfi Orhon in Istanbul. Issued twice monthly. Complete with all 17 issues present (but issues 1, 12, 15 are missing covers). B
Price: $1150.00
TRO 029
TRO 029
TRO 029
TRO 029
TRO 027
ZEKA. Published 1912-1914. 16 issues were published. Bound volume of the first 14 issues. B
Price: $900.00
TRO 027
TRO 027
TRO 027
TRO 027
TRO 025TRO 025
KELEBEK (Edebi Mizah Mecmuasi). Published 1923-1924 by Mahmud Esad, Ahmed Sefik in Istanbul. 77 issues published in two volumes. Complete with all 77 issues present. Some margin tape repairs. B
Price: $3900.00
TRO 025
TRO 025
TRO 025
TRO 025
Ottatlas 044Ottatlas 044
Yehteplilere Cumhuriyet Atlasi. 1928. A 16 page atlas of continents and countries all in old Ottoman script. B
Price: $250.00
Kara Goz.
Two volumes available.
1908/1909, volume 1, issues #1-104.
1914-1915, volume ?, issues #695-784. B
Price per Volume: $300.00
Resimli Gazette.
One volume available.
September 5, 1925 to August 28, 1926. Issues #105-156. B
Price: $450.00
MOS 017
Bound volume of Turkish Yen Mecmua, 1915. Special issue for the Dardanelles Campaign, in Ottoman script, photo images. B